
Walter Thiel

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12EENikolaj Otte, Marco Bocola, Walter Thiel: Force-field parameters for the simulation of tetrahedral intermediates of serine hydrolases. Journal of Computational Chemistry 30(1): 154-162 (2009)
11EEJingjing Zheng, Ahmet Altun, Walter Thiel: Common system setup for the entire catalytic cycle of cytochrome P450cam in quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical studies. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(13): 2147-2158 (2007)
10EEAhmet Altun, Sason Shaik, Walter Thiel: Systematic QM/MM investigation of factors that affect the cytochrome P450-catalyzed hydrogen abstraction of camphor. Journal of Computational Chemistry 27(12): 1324-1337 (2006)
9EERainer Steiger, Christian H. Bischof, Bruno Lang, Walter Thiel: Using automatic differentiation to compute derivatives for a quantum-chemical computer program. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(8): 1324-1332 (2005)
8EEAxel Koslowski, Michael E. Beck, Walter Thiel: Implementation of a general multireference configuration interaction procedure with analytic gradients in a semiempirical context using the graphical unitary group approach. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(6): 714-726 (2003)
7EEZhongfang Chen, Haijun Jiao, Gotthard Seifert, Anselm H. C. Horn, Dengke Yu, Timothy Clark, Walter Thiel, Paul von Ragué Schleyer: The structure and stability of Si60 and Ge60 cages: A computational study. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(8): 948-953 (2003)
6EEFred A. Hamprecht, Walter Thiel, Wilfred F. van Gunsteren: Chemical Library Subset Selection Algorithms: A Unified Derivation Using Spatial Statistics. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(2): 414-428 (2002)
5EEKerstin Möhle, Hans-Jörg Hofmann, Walter Thiel: Description of peptide and protein secondary structures employing semiempirical methods. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(5): 509-520 (2001)
4EESerguei Patchkovskii, Walter Thiel: NMR chemical shifts in MNDO approximation: Parameters and results for H, C, N, and O. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(12): 1220-1245 (1999)
3EEDirk Bakowies, Walter Thiel: Semiempirical treatment of electrostatic potentials and partial charges in combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical approaches. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(1): 87-108 (1996)
2EESerguei Patchkovskii, Walter Thiel: Analytical second derivatives of the energy in MNDO methods. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(11): 1318-1327 (1996)
1 Daron Green, Ian Boston, Walter Thiel: Parallelisation in quantum chemistry: the MNDO code. HPCN Europe 1995: 880-885

Coauthor Index

1Ahmet Altun [10] [11]
2Dirk Bakowies [3]
3Michael E. Beck [8]
4Christian H. Bischof [9]
5Marco Bocola [12]
6Ian Boston [1]
7Zhongfang Chen [7]
8Timothy Clark [7]
9Daron Green [1]
10Wilfred F. van Gunsteren [6]
11Fred A. Hamprecht [6]
12Hans-Jörg Hofmann [5]
13Anselm H. C. Horn [7]
14Haijun Jiao [7]
15Axel Koslowski [8]
16Bruno Lang [9]
17Kerstin Möhle [5]
18Nikolaj Otte [12]
19Serguei Patchkovskii [2] [4]
20Paul von Ragué Schleyer [7]
21Gotthard Seifert [7]
22Sason Shaik [10]
23Rainer Steiger [9]
24Dengke Yu [7]
25Jingjing Zheng [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)