2008 |
15 | EE | A. Schüppen,
Otto Spaniol,
Dirk Thißen,
Ingo Assenmacher,
E. Haberstroh,
Torsten Kuhlen:
Multimedia and VR Support for Direct Communication of Designers.
Results of the IMPROVE Project 2008: 268-299 |
14 | EE | Yuri Babich,
Otto Spaniol,
Dirk Thißen:
Service Management for Development Tools.
Results of the IMPROVE Project 2008: 401-429 |
13 | EE | Simon M. Becker,
Markus Heller,
Matthias Jarke,
Wolfgang Marquardt,
Manfred Nagl,
Otto Spaniol,
Dirk Thißen:
Synergy by Integrating New Functionality.
Results of the IMPROVE Project 2008: 519-526 |
2006 |
12 | EE | Dirk Thißen,
Pimjai Wesnarat:
Considering QoS Aspects in Web Service Composition.
ISCC 2006: 371-377 |
2002 |
11 | EE | Dirk Thißen:
Load balancing for the management of service performance in open service markets: a customer-oriented approach.
SAC 2002: 902-906 |
2001 |
10 | | Dirk Thißen,
Birgit Vogel:
Systemischer Entwurf von WBT in der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Lehre.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2001: 1136-1142 |
2000 |
9 | EE | Dirk Thißen,
Helmut Neukirchen:
Managing Services in Distributed Systems by Integrating Trading and Load Balancing.
ISCC 2000: 641-646 |
8 | | Dirk Thißen,
Helmut Neukirchen:
Integrating Trading and Load Balancing for Efficient Management of Services in Distributed Systems.
USM 2000: 42-53 |
1999 |
7 | | Steffen Lipperts,
Dirk Thißen:
CORBA wrappers for a-posteriori management: an approach to integrating management with existing heterogeneous systems (short paper).
DAIS 1999: 169- |
6 | | Claudia Linnhoff-Popien,
Dirk Thißen:
Assessing Service Properties with Regard to a Requested QoS: The Service Metric (Short Paper).
FMOODS 1999 |
5 | | Dirk Thißen,
Birgit Scherff:
A New Concept for Designing Internet Learning Applications for Students of Electrical Engineering.
HCI (1) 1999: 590-594 |
4 | | Dirk Thißen,
Stefan Gebhard,
Birgit Scherff:
TELING - ein Werkzeug zur teilautomatisierten Erstellung von multimedialen Lernmodulen für Ingenieure.
PEARL 1999: 49-58 |
1997 |
3 | EE | Dirk Thißen,
Claudia Linnhoff-Popien,
Steffen Lipperts:
Can CORBA Fulfill Data Transfer Requirements of Industrial Enterprises?
EDOC 1997: 129- |
2 | | Peter Reichl,
Claudia Linnhoff-Popien,
Dirk Thißen:
Einbeziehung von Nutzerinteressen bei der QoS-basierten Dienstvermittlung unter CORBA.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1997: 236-251 |
1996 |
1 | | Dirk Thißen,
Claudia Linnhoff-Popien:
Finding Optimal Services Within a CORBA Trader.
TreDS 1996: 200-213 |