
Barry-John Theobald

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4EEBarry-John Theobald, Iain A. Matthews, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Steven M. Boker: Real-time expression cloning using appearance models. ICMI 2007: 134-139
3EEAhmed Bilal Ashraf, Simon Lucey, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Tsuhan Chen, Zara Ambadar, Ken Prkachin, Patty Solomon, Barry-John Theobald: The painful face: pain expression recognition using active appearance models. ICMI 2007: 9-14
2EEBarry-John Theobald, Iain Matthews, Simon Baker: Evaluating Error Functions for Robust Active Appearance Models. FG 2006: 149-154
1EEBarry-John Theobald, J. Andrew Bangham, Iain A. Matthews, Gavin C. Cawley: Near-videorealistic synthetic talking faces: implementation and evaluation. Speech Communication 44(1-4): 127-140 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Zara Ambadar [3]
2Ahmed Bilal Ashraf [3]
3Simon Baker [2]
4J. Andrew Bangham [1]
5Steven M. Boker [4]
6Gavin C. Cawley [1]
7Tsuhan Chen [3]
8Jeffrey F. Cohn [3] [4]
9Simon Lucey [3]
10Iain Matthews [2]
11Iain A. Matthews [1] [4]
12Ken Prkachin [3]
13Patty Solomon [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)