
Ronald Tetzlaff

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14EEGunter Geis, Frank Gollas, Ronald Tetzlaff: On the Implementation of Cellular Wave Computing Methods by Hardware Learning. ISCAS 2007: 2930-2933
13EEFrank Gollas, Ronald Tetzlaff: Identification of EEG signals in epilepsy by cell outputs of Reaction-Diffusion Networks. IJCNN 2006: 5185-5188
12EEChristian Niederhöfer, Ronald Tetzlaff: Detection of a preseizure state in epilepsy: signal prediction by maximally weakly nonlinear networks? ISCAS 2006
11EEChristian Niederhöfer, Ronald Tetzlaff: Recent results on the prediction of EEG signals in epilepsy by discrete-time cellular neural networks (DTCNN). ISCAS (5) 2005: 5218-5221
10 Frank Gollas, Christian Niederhöfer, Ronald Tetzlaff: Prediction of brain electrical activity in epilepsy using a higher-dimensional prediction algorithm for discrete time cellular neural networks (DTCNN). ISCAS (5) 2004: 720-723
9EER. Schonmeyer, Dirk Feiden, Ronald Tetzlaff: On-chip template training for pattern matching by cellular neural network universal machines (CNN-UM). ISCAS (3) 2003: 514-517
8EERonald Tetzlaff, Christian Niederhöfer, Philipp Fischer: Feature extraction in epilepsy using a cellular neural network based device - first results. ISCAS (3) 2003: 850-853
7EEViktor Gál, Sonja Grün, Ronald Tetzlaff: Analysis of Multidimensional Neural Activity Via CNN-UM. Int. J. Neural Syst. 13(6): 479-487 (2003)
6EERonald Tetzlaff, Ronald Kunz, Christian Niederhöfer: Cellular Neural Networks (CNN) with Linear Weight Functions for a Prediction of Epileptic Seizures. Int. J. Neural Syst. 13(6): 489-498 (2003)
5EERonald Kunz, Ronald Tetzlaff: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Of Brain Electrical Activity In Epilepsy: Analysis With Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs). Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 12(6): 825-844 (2003)
4EEChristian Niederhöfer, S. Suna, Ronald Tetzlaff: Nonlinear prediction of brain electrical activity in epilepsy with a Volterra RLS algorithm. ISCAS (3) 2002: 595-598
3EERonald Tetzlaff, D. Weiss: Cellular neural networks for the anticipation of epileptic seizures. ISCAS (4) 2002: 177-180
2EEDirk Feiden, Ronald Tetzlaff: Iterative annealing: a new efficient optimization method for cellular neural networks. ICIP (1) 2001: 549-552
1EERonald Tetzlaff, Ronald Kunz: Spatio-temporal distribution of brain electrical activity patterns in epilepsy: inputs for cellular neural networks. ISCAS (3) 2001: 329-332

Coauthor Index

1Dirk Feiden [2] [9]
2Philipp Fischer [8]
3Viktor Gál [7]
4Gunter Geis [14]
5Frank Gollas [10] [13] [14]
6Sonja Grün [7]
7Ronald Kunz [1] [5] [6]
8Christian Niederhöfer [4] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12]
9R. Schonmeyer [9]
10S. Suna [4]
11D. Weiss [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)