
Alexandre Tessier

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14 Gérard Ferrand, Willy Lesaint, Alexandre Tessier: Explanations and Proof Trees. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 25(2-3): (2006)
13 Gérard Ferrand, Willy Lesaint, Alexandre Tessier: Explanations and Proof Trees. ExaCt 2005: 76-85
12 Gérard Ferrand, Willy Lesaint, Alexandre Tessier: Explications pour comprendre la trace d'un solveur de contraintes sur domaines finis. JFPLC 2004
11 Romuald Debruyne, Gérard Ferrand, Narendra Jussien, Willy Lesaint, Samir Ouis, Alexandre Tessier: Correctness of Constraint Retraction Algorithms. FLAIRS Conference 2003: 172-176
10EEGérard Ferrand, Willy Lesaint, Alexandre Tessier: Towards declarative diagnosis of constraint programs over finite domains CoRR cs.SE/0309032: (2003)
9EEAlexandre Tessier: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Logic Programming Environments CoRR cs.SE/0207052: (2002)
8EEGérard Ferrand, Willy Lesaint, Alexandre Tessier: Theoretical Foundations of Value Withdrawal Explanations for Domain Reduction. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 76: (2002)
7EEGérard Ferrand, Willy Lesaint, Alexandre Tessier: Value Withdrawal Explanation in CSP. AADEBUG 2000
6 Alexandre Tessier, Gérard Ferrand: Declarative Diagnosis in the CLP Scheme. Analysis and Visualization Tools for Constraint Programming 2000: 151-174
5 Gérard Ferrand, Alexandre Tessier: Correction et complétude des sémantiques PLC revisitée par (co)-induction. JFPLC 1998: 19-
4EEGérard Ferrand, Alexandre Tessier: Positive And Negative Diagnosis for Constraint Logic Programs in Terms of Proof Skeletons. AADEBUG 1997: 141-153
3 F. Le Berre, Alexandre Tessier: Declarative Incorrectness Diagnosis in Constraint Logic Programming. APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1996: 379-390
2 Alexandre Tessier: Declarative Debugging in Constraint Logic Programming. ASIAN 1996: 64-73
1 Alexandre Tessier: Diagnostic déclaratif d'insuffisance en Programme logique avec contraintes. JFPLC 1996: 65-82

Coauthor Index

1F. Le Berre [3]
2Romuald Debruyne [11]
3Gérard Ferrand [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
4Narendra Jussien [11]
5Willy Lesaint [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
6Samir Ouis [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)