2006 |
9 | | Gérard Ferrand,
Willy Lesaint,
Alexandre Tessier:
Explanations and Proof Trees.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 25(2-3): (2006) |
2005 |
8 | | Gérard Ferrand,
Willy Lesaint,
Alexandre Tessier:
Explanations and Proof Trees.
ExaCt 2005: 76-85 |
2004 |
7 | | Gérard Ferrand,
Willy Lesaint,
Alexandre Tessier:
Explications pour comprendre la trace d'un solveur de contraintes sur domaines finis.
JFPLC 2004 |
2003 |
6 | | Romuald Debruyne,
Gérard Ferrand,
Narendra Jussien,
Willy Lesaint,
Samir Ouis,
Alexandre Tessier:
Correctness of Constraint Retraction Algorithms.
FLAIRS Conference 2003: 172-176 |
5 | EE | Gérard Ferrand,
Willy Lesaint,
Alexandre Tessier:
Towards declarative diagnosis of constraint programs over finite domains
CoRR cs.SE/0309032: (2003) |
2002 |
4 | EE | Willy Lesaint:
Value withdrawal explanations: a theoretical tool for programming environments.
WLPE 2002: 17-30 |
3 | EE | Willy Lesaint:
Value withdrawal explanations: a theoretical tool for programming environments
CoRR cs.SE/0207050: (2002) |
2 | EE | Gérard Ferrand,
Willy Lesaint,
Alexandre Tessier:
Theoretical Foundations of Value Withdrawal Explanations for Domain Reduction.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 76: (2002) |
2000 |
1 | EE | Gérard Ferrand,
Willy Lesaint,
Alexandre Tessier:
Value Withdrawal Explanation in CSP.
AADEBUG 2000 |