
Michael Teschke

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7EEPetra Heinl, Stefan Horn, Stefan Jablonski, Jens Neeb, Katrin Stein, Michael Teschke: A comprehensive approach to flexibility in workflow management systems. WACC 1999: 79-88
6EEMichael Teschke, Achim Ulbrich: Concurrent Warehouse Maintenance Without Compromising Session Consistency. DEXA 1998: 776-785
5 Wolfgang Lehner, Michael Teschke, Hartmut Wedekind: Über Aufbau und Auswertung multidimensionaler Daten. BTW 1997: 241-250
4 Stefan Jablonski, Katrin Stein, Michael Teschke: Experiences in Workflow Management for Scientific Computing. DEXA Workshop 1997: 56-61
3 Jens Albrecht, Wolfgang Lehner, Michael Teschke, Thomas Kirsche: Building a Real Data Warehouse for Market Research. DEXA Workshop 1997: 651-656
2EEWolfgang Lehner, Thomas Ruf, Michael Teschke: CROSS-DB: A Feature-Extended Multidimensional Data Model for Statistical and Scientific Databases. CIKM 1996: 253-260
1 Wolfgang Lehner, Thomas Ruf, Michael Teschke: Improving Query Response Time in Scientific Databases Using Data Aggregation - A Case Study. DEXA Workshop 1996: 201-206

Coauthor Index

1Jens Albrecht [3]
2Petra Heinl [7]
3Stefan Horn [7]
4Stefan Jablonski [4] [7]
5Thomas Kirsche [3]
6Wolfgang Lehner [1] [2] [3] [5]
7Jens Neeb [7]
8Thomas Ruf [1] [2]
9Katrin Stein [4] [7]
10Achim Ulbrich [6]
11Hartmut Wedekind [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)