
Andrew Terrett

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5EEAndrew Terrett: Richard Susskind's 'Transforming the Law - Essays on Technology, Justice and the Legal Marketplace'. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 2001(1): (2001)
4EEAbdul Paliwala, Andrew Cartwright, Andrew Terrett: User Needs in Electronic Law Reporting: A Research Study. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1997(2): (1997)
3EEAndrew Terrett: Law In A Digital World by M Ethan Katsch. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1996(1): (1996)
2EEAndrew Terrett: SCOOP Official Publishing on the Internet. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1996(1): (1996)
1EEAndrew Terrett: US-CALI Conference held at the Chicago-Kent School of Law. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1996(3): (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Andrew Cartwright [4]
2Abdul Paliwala [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)