
Abdul Paliwala

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17EEAbdul Paliwala: Learning in Cyberspace - Revised version. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 2001(1): (2001)
16EEAbdul Paliwala: Discoursing the Virtual Classroom. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 2001(3): (2001)
15 Abdul Paliwala: An intellectual celebration: A review of the jurix legal knowledge based systems scholarship. Artif. Intell. Law 8(4): 317-335 (2000)
14EEAbdul Paliwala: Access to Legal Information - A Welcome Return? Journal of Information, Law and Technology 2000(1): (2000)
13EEAbdul Paliwala: CTI Law Technology Centre: A Retrospective View. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 2000(2): (2000)
12EEAbdul Paliwala: Editorial. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 2000(3): (2000)
11EEAbdul Paliwala: The knowledge web: Learning and collaborating on the web. Educational Technology & Society 2(2): (1999)
10EEAbdul Paliwala: The Knowledge Web: Learning and Collaborating on the Web. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1999(2): (1999)
9EEAbdul Paliwala: Editorial. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1999(3): (1999)
8EEAbdul Paliwala: Learning in Cyberspace. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1999(3): (1999)
7EEAbdul Paliwala: 13th BILETA Conference - The Changing Jurisdiction. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1998(2): (1998)
6EEAbdul Paliwala: Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher Education by Daniel John S. (1998). Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1998(2): (1998)
5EEAbdul Paliwala: Co-operative Development of CAL Materials: A Case Study of IOLIS. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1998(3): (1998)
4EEAbdul Paliwala, Andrew Cartwright, Andrew Terrett: User Needs in Electronic Law Reporting: A Research Study. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1997(2): (1997)
3EEAbdul Paliwala: From Academic Tombstones to Living Bazaars - The Changing Shape of Law Reviews. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1996(1): (1996)
2EEAbdul Paliwala: Comments on House of Commons Information Committee, First Report on Electronic Publication of House of Commons Documents. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1996(2): (1996)
1EEAbdul Paliwala: Introduction. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1996(2): (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Andrew Cartwright [4]
2Andrew Terrett [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)