
Christian Terboven

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6EEChristian Terboven, Dieter an Mey, Dirk Schmidl, Marcus Wagner: First Experiences with Intel Cluster OpenMP. IWOMP 2008: 48-59
5EEChristian Terboven, Dieter an Mey, Samuel Sarholz: OpenMP on Multicore Architectures. IWOMP 2007: 54-64
4 Christian Terboven: Comparing Intel Thread Checker and Sun Thread Analyzer. PARCO 2007: 669-676
3EEDieter an Mey, Samuel Sarholz, Christian Terboven: Nested Parallelization with OpenMP. International Journal of Parallel Programming 35(5): 459-476 (2007)
2 Christian Terboven, Alexander Spiegel, Dieter an Mey, S. Gross, Volker Reichelt: Parallelization of the C++ Navier-Stokes Solver DROPS with OpenMP. PARCO 2005: 431-438
1EEYuan Lin, Christian Terboven, Dieter an Mey, Nawal Copty: Automatic Scoping of Variables in Parallel Regions of an OpenMP Program. WOMPAT 2004: 83-97

Coauthor Index

1Nawal Copty [1]
2S. Gross [2]
3Yuan Lin [1]
4Dieter an Mey [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
5Volker Reichelt [2]
6Samuel Sarholz [3] [5]
7Dirk Schmidl [6]
8Alexander Spiegel [2]
9Marcus Wagner [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)