
Jason Teo

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19EEChin Kim On, Jason Teo, A. Saudi: Multi-objective artificial evolution of RF-localization behavior and neural structures in mobile robots. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 350-356
18EETse Guan Tan, Jason Teo: Evolving Opposition-Based Pareto Solutions: Multiobjective Optimization Using Competitive Coevolution. Oppositional Concepts in Computational Intelligence 2008: 161-206
17EETeng Nga Sing, Jason Teo, Mohd. Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi: Empirical testing on 3-Parents Differential Evolution (3PDE) for unconstrained function optimization. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 2259-2266
16EEJason Teo, Hanafi A. Hijazi, Zaturrawiah A. Omar, Nor Rafidah Mohamad, Yunus Hamid: Harnessing mutational diversity at multiple levels for improving optimization accuracy in G3-PCX. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 4502-4507
15 Chen Fei Huang, Nor Rafidah Mohamad, Jason Teo: Ant Colony Optimization in Dynamic Environments. IMECS 2007: 104-108
14 Teng Nga Sing, Jason Teo, Mohd. Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi: Self-Adaptive Parameterization Using 3-Parents Differential Evolution. IMECS 2007: 98-103
13EETse Guan Tan, Hui Keng Lau, Jason Teo: Cooperative Versus Competitive Coevolution for Pareto Multiobjective Optimization. LSMS (1) 2007: 63-72
12EEJason Teo: Investigating adaptive mutation in the generalized generation gap (G3) algorithm for unconstrained global optimization. SAC 2007: 743-744
11EEYi Jack Yau, Jason Teo, Patricia Anthony: Pareto Evolution and Co-evolution in Cognitive Game AI Synthesis. EMO 2006: 227-241
10EEJason Teo: Exploring dynamic self-adaptive populations in differential evolution. Soft Comput. 10(8): 673-686 (2006)
9EEJason Teo: Differential Evolution with Self-adaptive Populations. KES (1) 2005: 1284-1290
8EEJason Teo, Hussein A. Abbass: Multiobjectivity and Complexity in Embodied Cognition. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 9(4): 337-360 (2005)
7 Adrian David Cheok, Kok Hwee Goh, Wei Liu, Jason Teo, Sze Lee Teo, Farzam Farbiz, Shang Ping Lee: Connecting the real world and virtual world through gaming. IFIP Congress Topical Sessions 2004: 45-50
6EEJason Teo, Hussein A. Abbass: Automatic Generation of Controllers for Embodied Legged Organisms: A Pareto Evolutionary Multi-Objective Approach. Evolutionary Computation 12(3): 355-394 (2004)
5EEJason Teo, Hussein A. Abbass: An information-theoretic landscape analysis of neuro-controlled embodied organisms. Neural Computing and Applications 13(1): 80-89 (2004)
4EEJason Teo, Hussein A. Abbass: Software Verification of Redundancy in Neuro-Evolutionary Robotics. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 302-314
3EEJason Teo, Hussein A. Abbass: Is a Self-Adaptive Pareto Approach Beneficial for Controlling Embodied Virtual Robots? GECCO 2003: 1612-1613
2EEJason Teo, Minh Ha Nguyen, Hussein A. Abbass: Multi-objectivity as a Tool for Constructing Hierarchical Complexity. GECCO 2003: 483-494
1EEJason Teo, Hussein A. Abbass: A True Annealing Approach to the Marriage in Honey-Bees Optimization Algorithm. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 3(2): 199-211 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Hussein A. Abbass [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
2Patricia Anthony [11]
3Adrian David Cheok [7]
4Farzam Farbiz [7]
5Kok Hwee Goh [7]
6Yunus Hamid [16]
7Hanafi A. Hijazi [16]
8Mohd. Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi [14] [17]
9Chen Fei Huang [15]
10Hui Keng Lau [13]
11Shang Ping Lee [7]
12Wei Liu [7]
13Nor Rafidah Mohamad [15] [16]
14Minh Ha Nguyen [2]
15Zaturrawiah A. Omar [16]
16Chin Kim On [19]
17A. Saudi [19]
18Teng Nga Sing [14] [17]
19Tse Guan Tan [13] [18]
20Sze Lee Teo [7]
21Yi Jack Yau [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)