
Manoel Fernando Tenorio

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10EEWei-Tsih Lee, Manoel Fernando Tenorio: On an Asymptotically Optimal Adaptive Classifier Design Criterion. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(3): 312-318 (1993)
9EEWilliam H. Hsu, Loke-Soo Hsu, Manoel Fernando Tenorio: The Clusnet Algorithm And Time Series Prediction. Int. J. Neural Syst. 4(3): 247-255 (1993)
8 William H. Hsu, Loke-Soo Hsu, Manoel Fernando Tenorio: Parameter Significance Estimation and Financial Prediction. Neural Computing and Applications 1(4): 280-285 (1993)
7EEM. Daniel Tom, Manoel Fernando Tenorio: Short utterance recognition using a network with minimum training. Neural Networks 4(6): 711-722 (1991)
6 Manoel Fernando Tenorio: Topology synthesis networks: self-organization of structure and weight adjustment as a learning paradigm. Parallel Computing 14(3): 363-380 (1990)
5EEGintaras V. Reklaitis, Athanasios G. Tsirukis, Manoel Fernando Tenorio: Generalized Hopfield Networks and Nonlinear Optimization. NIPS 1989: 355-362
4EEJohn Kassebaum, Manoel Fernando Tenorio, Christoph Schaefers: The Cocktail Party Problem: Speech/Data Signal Separation Comparison between Backpropagation and SONN. NIPS 1989: 542-549
3EEManoel Fernando Tenorio, Wei-Tsih Lee: Self Organizing Neural Networks for the Identification Problem. NIPS 1988: 57-64
2EEManoel Fernando Tenorio: Using Neural Networks to Improve Cochlear Implant Speech Perception. NIPS 1987: 783-793
1 Manoel Fernando Tenorio, Dan I. Moldovan: Mapping Production Systems into Multiprocessors. ICPP 1985: 56-62

Coauthor Index

1Loke-Soo Hsu [8] [9]
2William H. Hsu [8] [9]
3John Kassebaum [4]
4Wei-Tsih Lee [3] [10]
5Dan I. Moldovan [1]
6Gintaras V. Reklaitis [5]
7Christoph Schaefers [4]
8M. Daniel Tom [7]
9Athanasios G. Tsirukis [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)