
Hiroshi Tenmoto

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10EEHiroshi Tenmoto, Mineichi Kudo: Soft Feature Selection by Using a Histogram-Based Classifier. SSPR/SPR 2008: 572-581
9EEMineichi Kudo, Satoshi Shirai, Hiroshi Tenmoto: A Combination of Sample Subsets and Feature Subsets in One-Against-Other Classifiers. MCS 2007: 241-250
8EEHiroshi Tenmoto, Mineichi Kudo: Finding and Auto-labeling of Task Groups on E-Mails and Documents. KES (4) 2005: 696-702
7EEHiroshi Tenmoto, Mineichi Kudo: Density- and Complexity-Regularization in Gaussian Mixture Bayesian Classifier. WSTST 2005: 391-399
6EEHiroshi Tenmoto, Yasukuni Mori, Mineichi Kudo: Classifier-Independent Visualization of Supervised Data Structures Using a Graph. SSPR/SPR 2004: 1043-1051
5EEHiroshi Tenmoto, Mineichi Kudo, Masaru Shimbo: Selection of the Number of Components Using a Genetic Algorithm for Mixture Model Classifiers. SSPR/SPR 2000: 511-520
4EEHiroshi Tenmoto, Mineichi Kudo, Masaru Shimbo: Determination of the number of components based on class separability in mixture-based classifiers. KES 1999: 439-442
3EEMineichi Kudo, F. Taniguchi, Hiroshi Tenmoto, Masaru Shimbo: Appropriate initial component densities of mixture modeling for pattern recognition. KES (2) 1998: 216-220
2 Hiroshi Tenmoto, Mineichi Kudo, Masaru Shimbo: MDL-Based Selection of the Number of Components in Mixture Models for Pattern Classification. SSPR/SPR 1998: 831-836
1EEHiroshi Tenmoto, Mineichi Kudo, Masaru Shimbo: Piecewise linear classifiers with an appropriate number of hyperplanes. Pattern Recognition 31(11): 1627-1634 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Mineichi Kudo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Yasukuni Mori [6]
3Masaru Shimbo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Satoshi Shirai [9]
5F. Taniguchi [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)