2001 |
11 | EE | Eric Gould Bear,
Barbee Teasley,
Ledia Pearl Carroll:
Industry briefs: MONKEYmedia.
Interactions 8(2): 63-70 (2001) |
1997 |
10 | | Barbee Teasley,
Keith Instone,
Laura M. Leventhal,
Eric Brown:
Effective Illustrations in Interactive Media: What Works?
INTERACT 1997: 197-204 |
9 | | Barbee Teasley,
Jean Scholtz:
User-Centered GUI Standards Design: A Case Study.
INTERACT 1997: 23-30 |
1995 |
8 | | Laura M. Leventhal,
Barbee Teasley,
Keith Instone,
Daryl Stone:
Searching without a keyboard in a multimedia environment.
INTERACT 1995: 241-246 |
1994 |
7 | EE | Laura Levanthal,
Barbee Teasley,
Daryl Stone,
Ann-Marie Lancaster,
Aaron Marcus,
Bonnie A. Nardi,
Jakob Nielsen,
Masaaki Kurosu,
Rachelle S. Heller:
Designing for diverse users: will just a better interface do?
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 191-192 |
6 | | Laura M. Leventhal,
Keith Instone,
Barbee Teasley:
Hypertext-Based Kiosk Systems: Seven Challenges and an Empirical Study.
EWHCI 1994: 226-237 |
5 | | Laura M. Leventhal,
Barbee Teasley,
Keith Instone,
John Farhat:
Age related differences in the use of hypertext: Experiment and design guidelines.
Hypermedia 6(1): 19-34 (1994) |
4 | EE | Barbee Teasley:
The effects of naming style and expertise on program comprehension.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 40(5): 757-770 (1994) |
3 | EE | Laura M. Leventhal,
Barbee Teasley,
Diane S. Rohlman:
Analyses of factors related to positive test bias in software testing.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 41(5): 717-749 (1994) |
1993 |
2 | | Laura M. Leventhal,
Barbee Teasley,
Diane S. Rohlman,
Keith Instone:
Positive Test Bias in Software Testing Among Professionals: A Review.
EWHCI 1993: 210-218 |
1 | | Keith Instone,
Erik Brown,
Laura M. Leventhal,
Barbee Teasley:
The CHallenge of Effectively Integrating Graphics into Hypertext.
EWHCI 1993: 290-297 |