
Paul R. Taylor

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4EEPaul R. Taylor, Peter Evans-Greenwood, James Odell: The Genesis of a Pattern Language for Agent-based Enterprise Systems. QSIC 2005: 395-400
3EEPaul R. Taylor: Dynamic Team Structures for Supporting Software Design Episodes. TOOLS (37) 2000: 290-303
2EEPaul R. Taylor: Problem Frames and Object-Oriented Software Architecture. TOOLS (37) 2000: 70-81
1EEDavid A. Dougherty, Paul R. Taylor, Don Michaels: Automating user request processing with EARP. SIGUCCS 1996: 51-55

Coauthor Index

1David A. Dougherty [1]
2Peter Evans-Greenwood [4]
3Don Michaels [1]
4James Odell [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)