
Joshua A. Tauber

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6EEGregory Chockler, Nancy A. Lynch, Sayan Mitra, Joshua A. Tauber: Proving Atomicity: An Assertional Approach. DISC 2005: 152-168
5 Chryssis Georgiou, Nancy A. Lynch, Panayiotis Mavrommatis, Joshua A. Tauber: Automated Implementation of Complex Distributed Algorithms Specified in the IOA Language. ISCA PDCS 2005: 128-134
4EEJoshua A. Tauber, Nancy A. Lynch, Michael J. Tsai: Compiling IOA without Global Synchronization. NCA 2004: 121-130
3 Anthony D. Joseph, Joshua A. Tauber, M. Frans Kaashoek: Mobile Computing with the Rover Toolkit. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(3): 337-352 (1997)
2 Anthony D. Joseph, Alan F. deLespinasse, Joshua A. Tauber, David K. Gifford, M. Frans Kaashoek: Rover: A Toolkit for Mobile Information Access. SOSP 1995: 156-171
1 Fred Douglis, Ramón Cáceres, M. Frans Kaashoek, Kai Li, Brian Marsh, Joshua A. Tauber: Storage Alternatives for Mobile Computers. OSDI 1994: 25-37

Coauthor Index

1Ramón Cáceres [1]
2Gregory Chockler [6]
3Fred Douglis [1]
4Chryssis Georgiou [5]
5David K. Gifford [2]
6Anthony D. Joseph [2] [3]
7M. Frans Kaashoek [1] [2] [3]
8Kai Li [1]
9Nancy A. Lynch [4] [5] [6]
10Brian Marsh [1]
11Panayiotis Mavrommatis [5]
12Sayan Mitra [6]
13Michael J. Tsai [4]
14Alan F. deLespinasse [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)