
Amos Tanay

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11EEIrit Gat-Viks, Amos Tanay, Daniela Raijman, Ron Shamir: A Probabilistic Methodology for Integrating Knowledge and Experiments on Biological Networks. Journal of Computational Biology 13(2): 165-181 (2006)
10EEDana Pe'er, Amos Tanay, Aviv Regev: MinReg: A Scalable Algorithm for Learning Parsimonious Regulatory Networks in Yeast and Mammals. Journal of Machine Learning Research 7: 167-189 (2006)
9EEIrit Gat-Viks, Amos Tanay, Daniela Raijman, Ron Shamir: The Factor Graph Network Model for Biological Systems. RECOMB 2005: 31-47
8EERon Shamir, Adi Maron-Katz, Amos Tanay, Chaim Linhart, Israel Steinfeld, Roded Sharan, Yosef Shiloh, Ran Elkon: EXPANDER - an integrative program suite for microarray data analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 232 (2005)
7EEIrit Gat-Viks, Amos Tanay, Ron Shamir: Modeling and Analysis of Heterogeneous Regulation in Biological Networks. Regulatory Genomics 2004: 98-113
6EEAmos Tanay, Ron Shamir: Multilevel Modeling and Inference of Transcription Regulation. Journal of Computational Biology 11(2/3): 357-375 (2004)
5EEIrit Gat-Viks, Amos Tanay, Ron Shamir: Modeling and Analysis of Heterogeneous Regulation in Biological Networks. Journal of Computational Biology 11(6): 1034-1049 (2004)
4EEAmos Tanay, Ron Shamir: Modeling transcription programs: inferring binding site activity and dose-response model optimization. RECOMB 2003: 301-310
3 Amos Tanay, Roded Sharan, Ron Shamir: Discovering statistically significant biclusters in gene expression data. ISMB 2002: 136-144
2 Dana Pe'er, Aviv Regev, Amos Tanay: Minreg: Inferring an active regulator set. ISMB 2002: 258-267
1 Amos Tanay, Ron Shamir: Computational expansion of genetic networks. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2001: 270-278

Coauthor Index

1Ran Elkon [8]
2Irit Gat-Viks [5] [7] [9] [11]
3Chaim Linhart [8]
4Adi Maron-Katz [8]
5Dana Pe'er [2] [10]
6Daniela Raijman [9] [11]
7Aviv Regev [2] [10]
8Ron Shamir [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
9Roded Sharan [3] [8]
10Yosef Shiloh [8]
11Israel Steinfeld [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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