
Xuehou Tan

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40EEXuehou Tan: A unified and efficient solution to the room search problem. Comput. Geom. 40(1): 45-60 (2008)
39EEXuehou Tan: An efficient algorithm for the three-guard problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(17): 3312-3324 (2008)
38EEXuehou Tan, Bo Jiang: Searching a Polygonal Region by Two Guards. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 23(5): 728-739 (2008)
37EEXuehou Tan: Searching a Polygonal Region by Two Guards. TAMC 2007: 262-273
36EEXuehou Tan: Sweeping simple polygons with the minimum number of chain guards. Inf. Process. Lett. 102(2-3): 66-71 (2007)
35EEXuehou Tan: A linear-time 2-approximation algorithm for the watchman route problem for simple polygons. Theor. Comput. Sci. 384(1): 92-103 (2007)
34EEXuehou Tan: Linear-Time 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Watchman Route Problem. TAMC 2006: 181-191
33EEJin Akiyama, Mikio Kano, Xuehou Tan: Editorial. Comput. Geom. 34(1): 1 (2006)
32EEXuehou Tan: A 2-approximation algorithm for the zookeeper's problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 100(5): 183-187 (2006)
31 Jin Akiyama, Mikio Kano, Xuehou Tan: Discrete and Computational Geometry, Japanese Conference, JCDCG 2004, Tokyo, Japan, October 8-11, 2004, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2005
30EEXuehou Tan: Approximation Algorithms for Cutting Out Polygons with Lines and Rays. COCOON 2005: 534-543
29EEXuehou Tan: The Two-Guard Problem Revisited and Its Generalization. ISAAC 2004: 847-858
28EEXuehou Tan: An Optimal Algorithm for the 1-Searchability of Polygonal Rooms. JCDCG 2004: 174-183
27EEXuehou Tan: Approximation algorithms for the watchman route and zookeeper's problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 136(2-3): 363-376 (2004)
26EEXuehou Tan: A Characterization of Polygonal Regions Searchable from the Boundary. IJCCGGT 2003: 200-215
25EEXuehou Tan, Tomio Hirata: Finding shortest safari routes in simple polygons. Inf. Process. Lett. 87(4): 179-186 (2003)
24EEXuehou Tan: Finding an Optimal Bridge Between Two Polygons. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 12(3): 249-262 (2002)
23EEXuehou Tan: Finding an Optimal Bridge between Two Polygons. COCOON 2001: 170-180
22EEXuehou Tan: Approximation Algorithms for the Watchman Route and Zookeeper's Problems. COCOON 2001: 201-206
21EEXuehou Tan: Shortest zookeeper's routes in simple polygons. Inf. Process. Lett. 77(1): 23-26 (2001)
20EEXuehou Tan: Fast computation of shortest watchman routes in simple polygons. Inf. Process. Lett. 77(1): 27-33 (2001)
19EEXuehou Tan: Optimal computation of the Voronoi diagram of disjoint clusters. Inf. Process. Lett. 79(3): 115-119 (2001)
18EEXuehou Tan: Searching a Simple Polygon by a k-Searcher. ISAAC 2000: 503-514
17EEXuehou Tan: Efficient Algorithms for Searching a Polygonal Room with a Door. JCDCG 2000: 339-350
16EEXuehou Tan: On optimal bridges between two convex regions. Inf. Process. Lett. 76(4-6): 163-168 (2000)
15EEXuehou Tan, Xiaoyu Song: Routing Multiterminal Nets on a Hexagonal Grid. Discrete Applied Mathematics 90(1-3): 245-255 (1999)
14 Xuehou Tan: Edge Guards in Straight Walkable Polygons. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 9(1): 63- (1999)
13 Xuehou Tan, Tomio Hirata, Yasuyoshi Inagaki: Corrigendum to ``An Incremental Algorithm for Constructing Shortest Watchman Routes''. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 9(3): 319-323 (1999)
12 Xuehou Tan: An Efficient Solution to the Corridor Search Problem. JCDCG 1998: 317-331
11 Xuehou Tan, Xiaoyu Song: Hexagonal Routings of Multiterminal Nets. COCOON 1997: 311-320
10 Xuehou Tan, Binhai Zhu: Two-Guarding a Rectilinear Polygon. COCOON 1996: 391-400
9EEXuehou Tan, Xiaoyu Song: Hexagonal Three-Layer Channel Routing. Inf. Process. Lett. 55(4): 223-228 (1995)
8 Xuehou Tan, Tomio Hirata: Shortest Safari Routes in Simple Polygon. ISAAC 1994: 523-531
7 Tomio Hirata, Jirí Matousek, Xuehou Tan, Takeshi Tokuyama: Complexity of Projected Images of Convex Subdivisions. Comput. Geom. 4: 293-308 (1994)
6EEXiaoyu Song, Xuehou Tan: An optimal channel-routing algorithm in the times square model. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 13(7): 891-898 (1994)
5 Xuehou Tan, Tomio Hirata: Constructing Shortest Watchman Routes by Divide-and-Conquer. ISAAC 1993: 68-77
4 Xuehou Tan, Tomio Hirata, Yasuyoshi Inagaki: An incremental algorithm for constructing shortest watchman routes. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 3(4): 351-365 (1993)
3 Xuehou Tan, Tomio Hirata, Yasuyoshi Inagaki: An Incremental Algorithm for Constructing Shortest Watchman Routes. ISA 1991: 163-175
2 Xuehou Tan, Tomio Hirata, Yasuyoshi Inagaki: The Intersection Searching Problem for c-Oriented Polygons. Inf. Process. Lett. 37(4): 201-204 (1991)
1 Xuehou Tan, Tomio Hirata, Yasuyoshi Inagaki: Spatial Point Location and Its Applications. SIGAL International Symposium on Algorithms 1990: 241-250

Coauthor Index

1Jin Akiyama [31] [33]
2Tomio Hirata [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [13] [25]
3Yasuyoshi Inagaki [1] [2] [3] [4] [13]
4Bo Jiang [38]
5Mikio Kano (M. Kano) [31] [33]
6Jirí Matousek [7]
7Xiaoyu Song [6] [9] [11] [15]
8Takeshi Tokuyama [7]
9Binhai Zhu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)