
Seng Chee Tan

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6 Ching Sing Chai, Seng Chee Tan: Teachers' EB and its Influences on their Online Interaction Patterns. ICCE 2007: 603-606
5 Ching Sing Chai, Seng Chee Tan: Fostering Learning Communities among Teachers and Students: Potentials and Issues. ICCE 2005: 27-34
4EESeng Chee Tan, David Hung Wei Loong, Kah Lay So: Fostering scientific inquiry in schools through science research course and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). IJLT 1(3): 273-292 (2005)
3EEDavid Hung Wei Loong, Seng Chee Tan, Wing Sum Cheung, Chun Hu: Supporting Problem Solving with Case-Stories Learning Scenario and Video-based Collaborative Learning Technology. Educational Technology & Society 7(2): 120-128 (2004)
2EEAhmad Ibrahim Etheris, Seng Chee Tan: Computer-supported collaborative problem solving and anchored instruction in a mathematics classroom: an exploratory study. IJLT 1(1): 16-39 (2004)
1EESeng Chee Tan, Chun Hu, Siew Koon Wong, C. Marissa Wettasinghe: Teacher Training on Technology-Enhanced Instruction - A Holistic Approach. Educational Technology & Society 6(1): (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Ching Sing Chai [5] [6]
2Wing Sum Cheung [3]
3Ahmad Ibrahim Etheris [2]
4Chun Hu [1] [3]
5David Hung Wei Loong [3] [4]
6Kah Lay So [4]
7C. Marissa Wettasinghe [1]
8Siew Koon Wong [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)