
Ryuzo Takiyama

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12EEKazuhiko Shiranita, Kenichiro Hayashi, Akifumi Otsubo, Ryuzo Takiyama: Shape Measurement and Sketching Systems for Porcelain Using Image Technology. ICPR 2000: 4795-4798
11EEKazuhiko Shiranita, Kenichiro Hayashi, Akifumi Otsubo, Tsuneharu Miyajima, Ryuzo Takiyama: Grading meat quality by image processing. Pattern Recognition 33(1): 97-104 (2000)
10EETeruyuki Kaneko, Tetsuo Sagara, Takashi Takeda, Ryuzo Takiyama: A digital curve recognition method applicable to non-singly connected curves. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(5): 24-30 (2000)
9EEKazuhiko Shiranita, Tsuneharu Miyajima, Ryuzo Takiyama: Determination of meat quality by texture analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(14): 1319-1324 (1998)
8EERyuzo Takiyama, Naoki Ono: A least square error estimation of the center and radii of concentric arcs. Pattern Recognition Letters 10(4): 237-242 (1989)
7EERyuzo Takiyama: A committee machine with a set of networks composed of two single-threshold elements as committee members. Pattern Recognition 15(5): 405-412 (1982)
6EERyuzo Takiyama: A two-level committee machine: a representation and a learning procedure for general piecewise linear discriminant functions. Pattern Recognition 13(3): 269-274 (1981)
5 Ryuzo Takiyama: A Relationship between the Cascaded Network and the Two-Layer Network of Threshold Logic Units Information and Control 47(2): 113-121 (1980)
4EERyuzo Takiyama: A learning procedure for multisurface method of pattern separation. Pattern Recognition 12(2): 75-82 (1980)
3EERyuzo Takiyama: Multiple threshold perceptron. Pattern Recognition 10(1): 27-30 (1978)
2EERyuzo Takiyama: A general method for training the committee machine. Pattern Recognition 10(4): 255-259 (1978)
1 Ryuzo Takiyama: A Relationship Between Two Types of Two-Layer Threshold-Element Pattern-Recognition Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(11): 1136-1139 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Kenichiro Hayashi [11] [12]
2Teruyuki Kaneko [10]
3Tsuneharu Miyajima [9] [11]
4Naoki Ono [8]
5Akifumi Otsubo [11] [12]
6Tetsuo Sagara [10]
7Kazuhiko Shiranita [9] [11] [12]
8Takashi Takeda [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)