
Yukio Takahashi

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10EEKen'ichi Katou, Naoki Makimoto, Yukio Takahashi: Upper bound for the decay rate of the joint queue-length distribution in a two-node Markovian queueing system. Queueing Syst. 58(3): 161-189 (2008)
9EEYukio Takahashi, Ryo Ishikawa, Kazuhiko Honjo: Accurate Distortion Prediction for Thermal Memory Effect in Power Amplifier Using Multi-Stage Thermal RC-Ladder Network. IEICE Transactions 90-C(9): 1658-1663 (2007)
8EETakashi Ikegawa, Yukio Takahashi: Sliding window protocol with selective-repeat ARQ: performance modeling and analysis. Telecommunication Systems 34(3-4): 167-180 (2007)
7EETakashi Ikegawa, Yukio Takahashi: Effect of retransmitted packet size preservation property for wireless networks with a reliable communication protocol. MSWiM 2005: 313-317
6EETakashi Ikegawa, Yukio Takahashi: The Effect of Retransmitted Packet Size Preservation Property on TCP Goodput over Links with Bernoulli Bit-Errors. WiOpt 2005: 21-28
5EEToshiomi Takahashi, Toshihisa Ozawa, Yukio Takahashi: Bounds of performance measures in large-scale mobile communication networks. Perform. Eval. 54(3): 263-283 (2003)
4EETakako Yamada, Yukio Takahashi, Leonard Barolli, Norio Shiratori: A Simulation Study for Allocation of Base Stations in Mobile Communication Networks. ICOIN 2001: 32-
3 Takako Yamada, Yukio Takahashi: Routing design of tree-shaped local public communication networks with high reliability and low cost. Telecommunication Systems 8(1): 1-21 (1997)
2 Yukio Takahashi: A Weak D-Markov Chain Approach to Tandem Queueing Networks. Computer Performance and Reliability 1987: 151-159
1 Yukio Takahashi: Weak D-Markov Chain and its Application to a Queueing Network. Computer Performance and Reliability 1983: 153-165

Coauthor Index

1Leonard Barolli [4]
2Kazuhiko Honjo [9]
3Takashi Ikegawa [6] [7] [8]
4Ryo Ishikawa [9]
5Ken'ichi Katou [10]
6Naoki Makimoto [10]
7Toshihisa Ozawa [5]
8Norio Shiratori [4]
9Toshiomi Takahashi [5]
10Takako Yamada [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)