
Naoki Makimoto

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2EEKen'ichi Katou, Naoki Makimoto, Yukio Takahashi: Upper bound for the decay rate of the joint queue-length distribution in a two-node Markovian queueing system. Queueing Syst. 58(3): 161-189 (2008)
1EEMasaaki Kijima, Naoki Makimoto: Computation of the quasi-stationary distributions inM(n)/GI/1/K andGI/M(n)/1/K queues. Queueing Syst. 11(3): 255-272 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Ken'ichi Katou [2]
2Masaaki Kijima [1]
3Yukio Takahashi [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)