
Elise Taillant

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2EEElise Arnaud, Heidi Christensen, Yan-Chen Lu, Jon Barker, Vasil Khalidov, Miles E. Hansard, Bertrand Holveck, Hervé Mathieu, Ramya Narasimha, Elise Taillant, Florence Forbes, Radu Horaud: The CAVA corpus: synchronised stereoscopic and binaural datasets with head movements. ICMI 2008: 109-116
1EEElise Taillant, Juan-Carlos Avila-Vilchis, Christophe Allegrini, Ivan Bricault, Philippe Cinquin: CT and MR Compatible Light Puncture Robot: Architectural Design and First Experiments. MICCAI (2) 2004: 145-152

Coauthor Index

1Christophe Allegrini [1]
2Elise Arnaud [2]
3Juan-Carlos Avila-Vilchis [1]
4Jon Barker [2]
5Ivan Bricault [1]
6Heidi Christensen [2]
7Philippe Cinquin [1]
8Florence Forbes [2]
9Miles E. Hansard [2]
10Bertrand Holveck [2]
11Radu Horaud [2]
12Vasil Khalidov [2]
13Yan-Chen Lu [2]
14Hervé Mathieu [2]
15Ramya Narasimha [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)