
Jon Barker

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5EEElise Arnaud, Heidi Christensen, Yan-Chen Lu, Jon Barker, Vasil Khalidov, Miles E. Hansard, Bertrand Holveck, Hervé Mathieu, Ramya Narasimha, Elise Taillant, Florence Forbes, Radu Horaud: The CAVA corpus: synchronised stereoscopic and binaural datasets with head movements. ICMI 2008: 109-116
4EEXu Shao, Jon Barker: Stream weight estimation for multistream audio-visual speech recognition in a multispeaker environment. Speech Communication 50(4): 337-353 (2008)
3EENing Ma, Phil Green, Jon Barker, André Coy: Exploiting correlogram structure for robust speech recognition with multiple speech sources. Speech Communication 49(12): 874-891 (2007)
2EEAndré Coy, Jon Barker: An automatic speech recognition system based on the scene analysis account of auditory perception. Speech Communication 49(5): 384-401 (2007)
1EEJon Barker, Martin Cooke: Modelling speaker intelligibility in noise. Speech Communication 49(5): 402-417 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Elise Arnaud [5]
2Heidi Christensen [5]
3Martin Cooke [1]
4André Coy [2] [3]
5Florence Forbes [5]
6Phil Green [3]
7Miles E. Hansard [5]
8Bertrand Holveck [5]
9Radu Horaud [5]
10Vasil Khalidov [5]
11Yan-Chen Lu [5]
12Ning Ma [3]
13Hervé Mathieu [5]
14Ramya Narasimha [5]
15Xu Shao [4]
16Elise Taillant [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)