
Christoph Tahedl

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5EEMarita Dücker, Georg Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller, Christoph Tahedl: A generic system for interactive real-time animation. ECBS 1997: 263-270
4 Marita Dücker, Christian Geiger, Georg Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller, Christoph Tahedl: A Visual Language for Qualitative Data. VL 1997: 272-273
3 Peer Griebel, Georg Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller, Christoph Tahedl, Holger Uhr: Integrating a Constraint Solver into a Real-Time Animation Environment. VL 1996: 12-19
2 Christian Geiger, Ralf Hunstock, Georg Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller, J. Quintanilla, Christoph Tahedl, A. Weber: Visual Modeling and 3D-Representation with a Complete Visual Programming Language - A Case Study in Manufacturing. VL 1996: 304-305
1EEGeorg Lehrenfeld, Wolfgang Müller, Christoph Tahedl: Transforming SDL Diagrams into a Complete Visual Representation. VL 1995: 148-155

Coauthor Index

1Marita Dücker [4] [5]
2Christian Geiger [2] [4]
3Peer Griebel [3]
4Ralf Hunstock [2]
5Georg Lehrenfeld [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Wolfgang Müller [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
7J. Quintanilla [2]
8Holger Uhr [3]
9A. Weber [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)