
Roger Tagg

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14 Roger Tagg: Is there a Role for Philosophy in Group Work Support? ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 89-96
13 Roger Tagg, Harshad Lalwani, Raaj Srinivasan Kumaar: Easing the Ontology Development and Maintenance Burden for Small Groups and Individuals. ICEIS (4) 2008: 295-300
12EEGeorg Peters, Roger Tagg, Richard Weber: An Application of Rough Set Concepts to Workflow Management. RSKT 2008: 715-722
11 Georg Peters, Roger Tagg: Making Incomplete Information Visible in Workflow Systems. ICEIS (3) 2007: 434-440
10 Georg Peters, Roger Tagg: Flexible Completion of Workflow Activities. ICEIS (3) 2006: 173-180
9 Matthias Einig, Roger Tagg, Georg Peters: Managing the Knowledge Needed to Support an Electronic Personal Assistant - An End-User Friendly Graphical Ontology Editing Tool. ICEIS (3) 2006: 304-309
8 Alexa Heucke, Georg Peters, Roger Tagg: Intelligent Software Agents. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (III) 2005: 1598-1602
7EERoger Tagg, Zoran Milosevic, Sachin Kulkarni, Simon Gibson: Supporting Contract Execution through Recommended Workflows. DEXA 2004: 1-12
6 Damien Bright, Gerald Quirchmayr, Roger Tagg: Supporting Collaborative Communication in a Multi-layer Meta-process Model for Evolutionary Shared Workflows. ICEB 2004: 677-682
5 Roger Tagg: Software Agents to Support Administration in Asynchronous Team Environments. ICEIS (4) 2003: 119-126
4EERoger Tagg, Madan Kumar Narayana Murthy: Towards a System to Improve Administrative Processes for Front-Line Academic Staff. ADCS 2002
3EEGerald Quirchmayr, Zoran Milosevic, Roger Tagg, James B. Cole, Sachin Kulkarni: Establishment of Virtual Enterprise Contracts. DEXA 2002: 236-248
2 Roger Tagg, W. Lelatanavit: Using an Active DBMS to Implement A Workflow Engine. IDEAS 1998: 286-295
1 Roger Tagg, Benny Liew: Object-Oriented Database Methodology - State of the Art. BNCOD 1993: 147-161

Coauthor Index

1Damien Bright [6]
2James B. Cole [3]
3Matthias Einig [9]
4Simon Gibson [7]
5Alexa Heucke [8]
6Sachin Kulkarni [3] [7]
7Raaj Srinivasan Kumaar [13]
8Harshad Lalwani [13]
9W. Lelatanavit [2]
10Benny Liew [1]
11Zoran Milosevic [3] [7]
12Madan Kumar Narayana Murthy [4]
13Georg Peters [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
14Gerald Quirchmayr [3] [6]
15Richard Weber [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)