
Suresh K. Tadisina

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5EEMarvin D. Troutt, Alan A. Brandyberry, Changsoo Sohn, Suresh K. Tadisina: Linear programming system identification: The general nonnegative parameters case. European Journal of Operational Research 185(1): 63-75 (2008)
4EETe-Wei Wang, Suresh K. Tadisina: Simulating Internet-based collaboration: A cost-benefit case study using a multi-agent model. Decision Support Systems 43(2): 645-662 (2007)
3EEMarvin D. Troutt, Suresh K. Tadisina, Changsoo Sohn, Alan A. Brandyberry: Linear programming system identification. European Journal of Operational Research 161(3): 663-672 (2005)
2EEMarvin D. Troutt, Suresh K. Tadisina: Simulation based validity testing of an outlier accommodation method for minimax absolute error regression. Computers & OR 20(3): 349-353 (1993)
1EEMarvin D. Troutt, Suresh K. Tadisina: A mixed integer programming approach for accommodating outliers with the minimax absolute error criterion. Computers & OR 18(4): 391-395 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Alan A. Brandyberry [3] [5]
2Changsoo Sohn [3] [5]
3Marvin D. Troutt [1] [2] [3] [5]
4Te-Wei Wang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)