2008 |
13 | EE | Martin Szummer,
Pushmeet Kohli,
Derek Hoiem:
Learning CRFs Using Graph Cuts.
ECCV (2) 2008: 582-595 |
12 | EE | Marc'Aurelio Ranzato,
Martin Szummer:
Semi-supervised learning of compact document representations with deep networks.
ICML 2008: 792-799 |
11 | EE | Martin Szummer,
Nick Craswell:
Behavioral classification on the click graph.
WWW 2008: 1241-1242 |
2007 |
10 | EE | Carsten Rother,
Vladimir Kolmogorov,
Victor S. Lempitsky,
Martin Szummer:
Optimizing Binary MRFs via Extended Roof Duality.
CVPR 2007 |
9 | EE | Nick Craswell,
Martin Szummer:
Random walks on the click graph.
SIGIR 2007: 239-246 |
2005 |
8 | EE | Yuan (Alan) Qi,
Martin Szummer,
Thomas P. Minka:
Diagram Structure Recognition by Bayesian Conditional Random Fields.
CVPR (2) 2005: 191-196 |
7 | EE | Martin Szummer:
Learning Diagram Parts with Hidden Random Fields.
ICDAR 2005: 1188-1193 |
2003 |
6 | | Chen-Hsiang Yeang,
Martin Szummer:
Markov Random Walk Representations with Continuous Distributions.
UAI 2003: 600-607 |
2002 |
5 | EE | Martin Szummer,
Tommi Jaakkola:
Information Regularization with Partially Labeled Data.
NIPS 2002: 1025-1032 |
2001 |
4 | EE | Martin Szummer,
Tommi Jaakkola:
Partially labeled classification with Markov random walks.
NIPS 2001: 945-952 |
2000 |
3 | | Martin Szummer,
Tommi Jaakkola:
Kernel Expansions with Unlabeled Examples.
NIPS 2000: 626-632 |
1998 |
2 | EE | Wolfgang Sörgel,
Sabine Girod,
Martin Szummer,
Bernd Girod:
Computer aided diagnosis of bone lesions in the facial skeleton.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1998 |
1 | EE | Martin Szummer,
Rosalind W. Picard:
Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification.
CAIVD 1998: 42-51 |