
Jeff Sutherland

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20EEJeff Sutherland, Guido Schoonheim, Eelco Rustenburg, Mauritz Rijk: Fully Distributed Scrum: The Secret Sauce for Hyperproductive Offshored Development Teams. AGILE 2008: 339-344
19EEJeff Sutherland, Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen, Kent Johnson: Scrum and CMMI Level 5: The Magic Potion for Code Warriors. HICSS 2008: 466
18EEJeff Sutherland, Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen, Kent Johnson: Scrum and CMMI Level 5: The Magic Potion for Code Warriors. AGILE 2007: 272-278
17EEJeff Sutherland, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel: Minitrack: Clinical Process and Data Integration and Evolution. HICSS 2007: 130
16EEJeff Sutherland, Jean Tabaka: Incorporating Lean Development Practices into Agile Software Development. HICSS 2007: 273
15EEJeff Sutherland, Anton Viktorov, Jack Blount, Nikolai Puntikov: Distributed Scrum: Agile Project Management with Outsourced Development Teams. HICSS 2007: 274
14EEJeff Sutherland, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
13EEJeff Sutherland, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel: Towards an Intelligent Hospital Environment: Adaptive Workflow in the OR of the Future. HICSS 2006
12EEJeff Sutherland: Future of Scrurn: Parallel Pipelining of Sprints in Complex Projects. AGILE 2005: 90-102
11EEJeff Sutherland, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel: Enterprise Application Integration Encounters Complex Adaptive Systems: A Business Object Perspective. HICSS 2002: 286
10EEJeff Sutherland, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel: Enterprise application integration and complex adaptive systems. Commun. ACM 45(10): 59-64 (2002)
9EEZakaria Maamar, Jeff Sutherland: Toward intelligent business objects. Commun. ACM 43(10): 99-101 (2000)
8EEJeff Sutherland: The Emergence of a Business Object Component Architecture. WETICE 1999: 330-340
7EEJeff Sutherland: Why I love the OMG: emergence of a business object component architecture. ACM StandardView 6(1): 4-13 (1998)
6 Jeff Sutherland: Integrating Java, Objects, Databases, and the Web. OOIS 1996: 473-
5 Mary E. S. Loomis, R. G. G. Cattell, Frank Manola, Richard Mark Soley, Jeff Sutherland: Object and Database Standards - Panel Session. OOPSLA 1995: 331-332
4 Jeff Sutherland: Business Objects in Corporate Information Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 27(2): 274-276 (1995)
3 Jeff Sutherland: Business object design and implementation workshop. OOPS Messenger 6(4): 170-175 (1995)
2EEJeff Sutherland, Matthew Pope, Ken Rugg: The Hybrid Object-Relational Architecture (HORA): An Integration of Object-Oriented and Relational Technology. SAC 1993: 326-333
1 Alan Purdy, Jeff Sutherland, Mike Caruso, Tom Atwood, Tim Andrews, Jacob Stein: Panel: Architectural Alternatives for Object-Oriented Database Management. OOPSLA 1989: 498-507

Coauthor Index

1Tim Andrews [1]
2Tom Atwood [1]
3Jack Blount [15]
4Mike Caruso [1]
5R. G. G. Cattell [5]
6Willem-Jan van den Heuvel [10] [11] [13] [14] [17]
7Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen [18] [19]
8Kent Johnson [18] [19]
9Mary E. S. Loomis [5]
10Zakaria Maamar [9]
11Frank Manola [5]
12Matthew Pope [2]
13Nikolai Puntikov [15]
14Alan Purdy [1]
15Mauritz Rijk [20]
16Ken Rugg [2]
17Eelco Rustenburg [20]
18Guido Schoonheim [20]
19Richard Mark Soley [5]
20Jacob Stein [1]
21Jean Tabaka [16]
22Anton Viktorov [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)