
Shenghui Su

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6EELei Shi, Shenghui Su, Zhengrong Xiang: Design of a Passport Anti-forgery System Based on Digital Signature Schemes. PAISI 2009: 101-111
5EEShenghui Su, Yongquan Cai, Changxiang Shen: The Banknote Anti-forgery System Based on Digital Signature Algorithms. ISI Workshops 2008: 44-49
4EEShenghui Su, Jian Li, Lei Shi: Operation of Super Long Integers in Cryptographic Applications. PDCAT 2008: 363-369
3EEShenghui Su, Zunguo Huang, Jun Hu: The REESSE2+ Public-key Encryption Scheme - Another Application of the Lever Function and its Connotation CoRR abs/0801.4817: (2008)
2EEShenghui Su, Shuwang Lv: Refuting the Pseudo Attack on the REESSE1+ Cryptosystem CoRR abs/0704.0492: (2007)
1EEShenghui Su, Shuwang Lu: The Design, Analysis and Optimization of the REESSE1+ Public-key Cryptosystem CoRR abs/cs/0702046: (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Yongquan Cai [5]
2Jun Hu [3]
3Zunguo Huang [3]
4Jian Li [4]
5Shuwang Lu [1]
6Shuwang Lv [2]
7Changxiang Shen [5]
8Lei Shi [4] [6]
9Zhengrong Xiang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)