
Martin Strecker

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12EEMartin Strecker: Modeling and Verifying Graph Transformations in Proof Assistants. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 203(1): 135-148 (2008)
11EERalph Matthes, Martin Strecker: Verification of the Redecoration Algorithm for Triangular Matrices. TYPES 2007: 125-141
10EEJean-Paul Bodeveix, David Chemouil, Mamoun Filali, Martin Strecker: Towards formalising AADL in Proof Assistants. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(3): 153-169 (2005)
9 Bernhard Schätz, Jan Romberg, Oscar Slotosch, Martin Strecker: CASE Support and Model-Based Development. Modellierung 2004: 283-284
8EEGerwin Klein, Martin Strecker: Verified bytecode verification and type-certifying compilation. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 58(1-2): 27-60 (2004)
7EEStefan Berghofer, Martin Strecker: Extracting a formally verified, fully executable compiler from a proof assistant. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(2): (2003)
6EEMartin Strecker: Formal Verification of a Java Compiler in Isabelle. CADE 2002: 63-77
5EEMartin Strecker: Investigating Type-Certifying Compilation with Isabelle. LPAR 2002: 403-417
4 Martin Strecker, Maria Sorea: Integrating an Equality Prover into a Software Development System Based on Type Theory. KI 1997: 147-158
3 Friedrich W. von Henke, Marko Luther, Martin Strecker: Typelab: An Environment for Modular Program Development. TAPSOFT 1997: 851-854
2 Friedrich W. von Henke, Marko Luther, Holger Pfeifer, Harald Rueß, Detlef Schwier, Martin Strecker, Matthias Wagner: The TYPELAB Specification and Verification Environment. AMAST 1996: 604-607
1 Udo Bär, Martin Strecker, Willi Stoll, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Presentation Layer Conformance Testing with TTCN. PSTV 1991: 283-298

Coauthor Index

1Udo Bär [1]
2Stefan Berghofer [7]
3Jean-Paul Bodeveix [10]
4David Chemouil [10]
5Wolfgang Effelsberg [1]
6Mamoun Filali [10]
7Friedrich W. von Henke [2] [3]
8Gerwin Klein [8]
9Marko Luther [2] [3]
10Ralph Matthes [11]
11Holger Pfeifer [2]
12Jan Romberg [9]
13Harald Rueß [2]
14Bernhard Schätz [9]
15Detlef Schwier [2]
16Oscar Slotosch [9]
17Maria Sorea [4]
18Willi Stoll [1]
19Matthias Wagner [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)