
Markus Stolze

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27EEMarkus Stolze, Jean Vanderdonckt, Kênia Soares Sousa, J. Kramer: Introduction to the Workshop on Business-Driven Enterprise Application Design & Implementation. CEC/EEE 2008: 403
26EEMarkus Stolze: Business Process Illustration: Supporting Experience-Grounded Validation of New Business Processes by Subject Matter Experts. CEC/EEE 2008: 412-415
25EELawrence Bergman, Jihie Kim, Bamshad Mobasher, Stefan M. Rüger, Stefan Siersdorfer, Sergej Sizov, Markus Stolze: International workshop on recommendation and collaboration (ReColl 2008). IUI 2008: 439
24EEMarkus Stolze, Kuo Zhang, Ying Huang, Noi Sukaviriya, Brian White, Jim Laredo: The Stakeholder Matrix: Supporting the Modeling of Responsibility in Situation-Oriented Directories. CEC/EEE 2007: 571-576
23EENoi Sukaviriya, Vibha Sinha, Thejaswini Ramachandra, Senthil Mani, Markus Stolze: User-Centered Design and Business Process Modeling: Cross Road in Rapid Prototyping Tools. INTERACT (1) 2007: 165-178
22EEMarkus Stolze, Philippe Riand, Mark Wallace, Terry Heath: Agile Development of Workflow Applications with Interpreted Task Models. TAMODIA 2007: 2-14
21EEChristos Nikolaou, Jakka Sairamesh, Markus Stolze: From e-Business to Business Transformation. Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2005: 545-547
20EEMarkus Stolze, Fabian Nart: Well-integrated needs-oriented recommender components regarded as helpful. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1571
19 Daniel Felix, Patrick Steiger, Markus Stolze: HCI in Switzerland. INTERACT 2003
18EEHeiko Ludwig, Markus Stolze: Simple Obligation and Right Model (SORM) - for the Runtime Management of Electronic Service Contracts. WES 2003: 62-76
17 Daniel Felix, Christoph Niederberger, Patrick Steiger, Markus Stolze: Feature-Oriented vs. Needs-Oriented Product Access for Non-Expert-Online Shoppers. I3E 2001: 399-406
16EEMarkus Stolze, Michael Ströbel: Utility-Based Decision Tree Optimization: A Framework for Adaptive Interviewing. User Modeling 2001: 105-116
15EEMarkus Stolze, Michael Ströbel: The Shopping Gate - Enabling Role- and Preference-Specific E-commerce Shopping Experiences. Web Intelligence 2001: 549-561
14EEMarkus Stolze, Walid Rjaibi: Towards Scalable Scoring for Preference-based Item Recommendation. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 24(3): 42-49 (2001)
13EEMarkus Stolze, Simon Field, Pascal Kleijer: Combining Configuration and Evaluation Mechanisms to Support the Selection of Modular Insurance Products. ECIS 2000
12EEMarkus Stolze: Soft navigation in electronic product catalogs. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 3(1): 60-66 (2000)
11EEMarkus Stolze: Soft Navigation in Product Catalogs. ECDL 1998: 385-396
10EESimon Field, Christian Facciorusso, Yigal Hoffner, Andreas Schade, Markus Stolze: Design Criteria for a Virtual Market Place (ViMP). ECDL 1998: 819-832
9EEPatrick Steiger, Markus Stolze: Effective Product Selection in Electronic Catalogs. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 291-292
8 Tamara Sumner, Markus Stolze: Integrating Working and Learning: Two Models of Computer Support. AI Soc. 10(1): 70-78 (1996)
7EELoren G. Terveen, Markus Stolze, William C. Hill: From "model world" to "magic world": making graphical objects the medium for intelligent design assistance (abstract). CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 433
6 Uwe Malinowski, Markus Stolze: Unterstützung des Benutzungsoberflächen-Designs durch eine Kritikkomponente. Software-Ergonomie 1995: 267-279
5EEGerhard Fischer, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt, Jonathan L. Ostwald, Markus Stolze, Tamara Sumner, Beatrix Zimmermann: From Domain Modeling to Collaborative Domain Construction. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1995: 75-85
4EEMarkus Stolze: Work-oriented development of knowledge-based systems: a case for multiple perspectives. Knowl.-Based Syst. 7(4): 271-273 (1994)
3 Rolf Pfeifer, Thomas E. Rothenfluh, Markus Stolze, Felix Steiner: Mapping Expert Bevior onto Task-Level Frameworks: The Need for "Eco-Pragmatic" Approaches to Knowledge Engineering. Contemporary Knowledge Engineering and Cognition 1991: 59-77
2 Matthias Gutknecht, Rolf Pfeifer, Markus Stolze: Cooperative Hybrid Systems. IJCAI 1991: 824-831
1 Markus Stolze, Matthias Gutknecht, Rolf Pfeifer: Building Human-Centred Intelligent Cooperative Information Systems with IKEA. The Next Generation of Information Systems 1991: 104-115

Coauthor Index

1Lawrence Bergman [25]
2Christian Facciorusso [10]
3Daniel Felix [17] [19]
4Simon Field [10] [13]
5Gerhard Fischer [5]
6Matthias Gutknecht [1] [2]
7Terry Heath [22]
8William C. Hill [7]
9Yigal Hoffner [10]
10Ying Huang [24]
11Jihie Kim [25]
12Pascal Kleijer [13]
13J. Kramer [27]
14Jim Laredo [24]
15Stefanie N. Lindstaedt [5]
16Heiko Ludwig [18]
17Uwe Malinowski [6]
18Senthil Mani [23]
19Bamshad Mobasher [25]
20Fabian Nart [20]
21Christoph Niederberger [17]
22Christos Nikolaou [21]
23Jonathan L. Ostwald [5]
24Rolf Pfeifer [1] [2] [3]
25Thejaswini Ramachandra [23]
26Philippe Riand [22]
27Walid Rjaibi [14]
28Thomas E. Rothenfluh [3]
29Stefan M. Rüger [25]
30Jakka Sairamesh [21]
31Andreas Schade [10]
32Stefan Siersdorfer [25]
33Vibha Sinha [23]
34Sergej Sizov [25]
35Kênia Soares Sousa [27]
36Patrick Steiger [9] [17] [19]
37Felix Steiner [3]
38Michael Ströbel [15] [16]
39Noi Sukaviriya (Piyawadee Noi Sukaviriya) [23] [24]
40Tamara Sumner [5] [8]
41Loren G. Terveen [7]
42Jean Vanderdonckt [27]
43Mark Wallace [22]
44Brian White [24]
45Kuo Zhang [24]
46Beatrix Zimmermann [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)