
Uwe Stilla

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18EEBoris Peter Selby, Georgios Sakas, Stefan Walter, Wolf-Dieter Groch, Uwe Stilla: Patient Alignment Estimation in Six Degrees of Freedom Using a CT-scan and a Single X-ray Image. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2008: 127-132
17EEBoris Peter Selby, Georgios Sakas, Stefan Walter, Wolf-Dieter Groch, Uwe Stilla: Internal evaluation of registration results for radiographic images. ICPR 2008: 1-4
16EEBoris Peter Selby, Georgios Sakas, Stefan Walter, Wolf-Dieter Groch, Uwe Stilla: Pose Estimation of Eyes for Particle Beam Treatment of Tumors. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2007: 368-373
15 Eckart Michaelsen, Michael Arens, Leo J. Doktorski, Patrik Ding, Uwe Stilla: Meaning and efficiency in the gestalt-system - an approach to automatic image description. VISAPP (Special Sessions) 2007: 188-193
14EEStefan Hinz, Uwe Stilla: Car detection in aerial thermal images by local and global evidence accumulation. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(4): 308-315 (2006)
13EEUwe Soergel, Karsten Schulz, Ulrich Thoennessen, Uwe Stilla: Integration of 3D data in SAR mission planning and image interpretation in urban areas. Information Fusion 6(4): 301-310 (2005)
12EEEckart Michaelsen, Uwe Stilla: Pose Estimation from Airborne Video Sequences Using a Structural Approach for the Construction of Homographies and Fundamental Matrices. SSPR/SPR 2004: 486-494
11EEEckart Michaelsen, Uwe Soergel, Uwe Stilla: Grouping Salient Scatterers in InSAR Data for Recognition of Industrial Buildings. ICPR (2) 2002: 613-616
10EEEckart Michaelsen, Uwe Stilla: Probabilistic Decisions in Production Nets: An Example from Vehicle Recognition. SSPR/SPR 2002: 225-233
9 Eckart Michaelsen, U. Wankmüller, Uwe Stilla: Comparing Stereo 3D with View-Based Vehicle Recognition. VMV 2002: 347-354
8EEEckart Michaelsen, Ulrike Ahlrichs, Uwe Stilla, Dietrich Paulus, Heinrich Niemann: Where Is the Hole Punch? Object Localization Capabilities on a Specific Bureau Task. DAGM-Symposium 2001: 337-344
7 Eckart Michaelsen, Uwe Stilla: Ansichtenbasierte Erkennung von Fahrzeugen. DAGM-Symposium 2000: 245-252
6EEEckart Michaelsen, Uwe Stilla: Assessing the Computational Effort for Structural 3D Vehicle Recognition. SSPR/SPR 2000: 357-366
5EEUwe Stilla, K. Jurkiewicz: Reconstruction of Building Models from Maps and Laser Altimeter Data Integrated Spatial Databases 1999: 34-46
4 Eckart Michaelsen, U. Wankmüller, Uwe Stilla: Wissenserwerb für Produktionsnetze zur 3D-Erkennung von Fahrzeugen. DAGM-Symposium 1998: 507-514
3EEUwe Stilla, Roland Geibel, Endre Repasi: Generation and Update of 3D-City Models from Maps and Elevation Data. MVA 1998: 42-45
2 Eckart Michaelsen, Uwe Stilla: Remarks on the Notation of Coordinate Grammars. SSPR/SPR 1998: 421-428
1 H. Füger, G. Stein, Uwe Stilla: Multi-Population Evolution Strategies for Structural Image Analysis. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 229-234

Coauthor Index

1Ulrike Ahlrichs [8]
2Michael Arens [15]
3Patrik Ding [15]
4Leo J. Doktorski [15]
5H. Füger [1]
6Roland Geibel [3]
7Wolf-Dieter Groch [16] [17] [18]
8Stefan Hinz [14]
9K. Jurkiewicz [5]
10Eckart Michaelsen [2] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15]
11Heinrich Niemann [8]
12Dietrich Paulus [8]
13Endre Repasi [3]
14Georgios Sakas [16] [17] [18]
15Karsten Schulz [13]
16Boris Peter Selby [16] [17] [18]
17Uwe Soergel [11] [13]
18G. Stein [1]
19Ulrich Thoennessen [13]
20Stefan Walter [16] [17] [18]
21U. Wankmüller [4] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)