
Mårten Stenius

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6 Emmanuel Frécon, Gareth Smith, Anthony Steed, Mårten Stenius, Olov Ståhl: An Overview of the COVEN Platform. Presence 10(1): 109-127 (2001)
5EEEmmanuel Frécon, Chris Greenhalgh, Mårten Stenius: The DiveBone - an application-level network architecture for Internet-based CVEs. VRST 1999: 58-65
4EEEmmanuel Frécon, Mårten Stenius: DIVE: a scaleable network architecture for distributed virtual environments. Distributed Systems Engineering 5(3): 91-100 (1998)
3EERodger Lea, Yasuaki Honda, Kouichi Matsuda, Olof Hagsand, Mårten Stenius: Issues in the design of a scalable shared virtual environment for the Internet. HICSS (1) 1997: 653-662
2EEOlof Hagsand, Rodger Lea, Mårten Stenius: Using Spatial Techniques to Decrease Message Passing in a Distributed VE System. VRML 1997: 7-
1 Dave Snowdon, Lennart E. Fahlén, Mårten Stenius: WWW3D: A 3D Multi-User Web Browser. WebNet 1996

Coauthor Index

1Lennart E. Fahlén [1]
2Emmanuel Frécon [4] [5] [6]
3Chris Greenhalgh [5]
4Olof Hagsand [2] [3]
5Yasuaki Honda [3]
6Rodger Lea [2] [3]
7Kouichi Matsuda [3]
8Gareth Smith [6]
9Dave Snowdon [1]
10Olov Ståhl [6]
11Anthony Steed [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)