
George Steiner

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30EEDvir Shabtay, George Steiner: The single-machine earliness-tardiness scheduling problem with due date assignment and resource-dependent processing times. Annals OR 159(1): 25-40 (2008)
29EEDvir Shabtay, George Steiner: Optimal due date assignment in multi-machine scheduling environments. J. Scheduling 11(3): 217-228 (2008)
28EEDvir Shabtay, George Steiner: A survey of scheduling with controllable processing times. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(13): 1643-1666 (2007)
27EEGeorge Steiner, Paul Stephenson: Pareto optima for total weighted completion time and maximum lateness on a single machine. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(17): 2341-2354 (2007)
26EEStavros G. Kolliopoulos, George Steiner: Partially ordered knapsack and applications to scheduling. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(8): 889-897 (2007)
25EEStavros G. Kolliopoulos, George Steiner: Approximation algorithms for scheduling problems with a modified total weighted tardiness objective. Oper. Res. Lett. 35(5): 685-692 (2007)
24 Jianping Li, George Steiner: Partioning A Bipartite Graph into Vertex-Disjoint Paths. Ars Comb. 81: (2006)
23EEEsaignani Selvarajah, George Steiner: Batch scheduling in a two-level supply chain - a focus on the supplier. European Journal of Operational Research 173(1): 226-240 (2006)
22EEGeorge Steiner, Zhihui Xue: On the connection between a cyclic job shop and a reentrant flow shop scheduling problem. J. Scheduling 9(4): 381-387 (2006)
21EEDvir Shabtay, George Steiner: Two due date assignment problems in scheduling a single machine. Oper. Res. Lett. 34(6): 683-691 (2006)
20EEStavros G. Kolliopoulos, George Steiner: Approximation algorithms for minimizing the total weighted tardiness on a single machine. Theor. Comput. Sci. 355(3): 261-273 (2006)
19EEGeorge Steiner, Zhihui Xue: The maximum traveling salesman problem on van der Veen matrices. Discrete Applied Mathematics 146(1): 1-2 (2005)
18EEVladimir G. Deineko, George Steiner, Zhihui Xue: Robotic-Cell Scheduling: Special Polynomially Solvable Cases of the Traveling Salesman Problem on Permuted Monge Matrices. J. Comb. Optim. 9(4): 381-399 (2005)
17EEGeorge Steiner, Zhihui Xue: Scheduling in Reentrant Robotic Cells: Algorithms and Complexity. J. Scheduling 8(1): 25-48 (2005)
16EEStavros G. Kolliopoulos, George Steiner: On Minimizing the Total Weighted Tardiness on a Single Machine. STACS 2004: 176-186
15 George Steiner: On the k-path partition of graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 290(3): 2147-2155 (2003)
14EEStavros G. Kolliopoulos, George Steiner: Partially-Ordered Knapsack and Applications to Scheduling. ESA 2002: 612-624
13 Michel Habib, Raoul Medina, Lhouari Nourine, George Steiner: Efficient algorithms on distributive lattices. Discrete Applied Mathematics 110(2-3): 169-187 (2001)
12EEGeorge Steiner, Paul Stephenson: Subset-Restricted Interchange for Dynamic Min-Max Scheduling Problems. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 13(4): 419-435 (2000)
11 George Steiner: A poset-based method for counting partitions and Ferrers diagrams. Ars Comb. 47: (1997)
10EEGeorge Steiner: Minimizing the Number of Tardy Jobs with Precedence Constraints and Agreeable Due Dates. Discrete Applied Mathematics 72(1-2): 167-177 (1997)
9EEJitender S. Deogun, Dieter Kratsch, George Steiner: 1-Tough cocomparability graphs are hamiltonian. Discrete Mathematics 170(1-3): 99-106 (1997)
8EEJitender S. Deogun, Dieter Kratsch, George Steiner: An Approximation Algorithm for Clustering Graphs with Dominating Diametral Path. Inf. Process. Lett. 61(3): 121-127 (1997)
7 Michel Habib, Lhouari Nourine, George Steiner: Gray Codes for the Ideals of Interval Orders. J. Algorithms 25(1): 52-66 (1997)
6EEJiang Chen, George Steiner: Approximation methods for discrete lot streaming in flow shops. Oper. Res. Lett. 21(3): 139-145 (1997)
5 Jitender S. Deogun, George Steiner: Polynomial Algorithms for Hamiltonian Cycle in Cocomparability Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 23(3): 520-552 (1994)
4 George Steiner, Scott Yeomans: A Note on ``Scheduling Unit-Time Tasks with Integer Release Times and Deadlines''. Inf. Process. Lett. 47(3): 165-166 (1993)
3EEJitender S. Deogun, George Steiner: Hamiltonian Cycle is Polynomial on Cocomparability Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 39(2): 165-172 (1992)
2EEGeorge Steiner: Minimizing bumps in ordered sets by substitution decomposition. Discrete Mathematics 76(3): 285-289 (1989)
1 George Steiner: Searching in 2-Dimensional Partial Orders. J. Algorithms 8(1): 95-105 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Jiang Chen [6]
2Vladimir G. Deineko [18]
3Jitender S. Deogun [3] [5] [8] [9]
4Michel Habib [7] [13]
5Stavros G. Kolliopoulos [14] [16] [20] [25] [26]
6Dieter Kratsch [8] [9]
7Jianping Li [24]
8Raoul Medina [13]
9Lhouari Nourine [7] [13]
10Esaignani Selvarajah [23]
11Dvir Shabtay [21] [28] [29] [30]
12Paul Stephenson [12] [27]
13Zhihui Xue [17] [18] [19] [22]
14Scott Yeomans [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)