
Lhouari Nourine

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18EEPierre Colomb, Lhouari Nourine: About Keys of Formal Context and Conformal Hypergraph. ICFCA 2008: 140-149
17EERokia Missaoui, Lhouari Nourine, Yoan Renaud: Generating Positive and Negative Exact Rules Using Formal Concept Analysis: Problems and Solutions. ICFCA 2008: 169-181
16EERamy Ragab Hassen, Lhouari Nourine, Farouk Toumani: Protocol-Based Web Service Composition. ICSOC 2008: 38-53
15EERamy Ragab Hassen, Farouk Toumani, Lhouari Nourine: Web services composition is decidable. WebDB 2008
14EERaoul Medina, Lhouari Nourine, Olivier Raynaud: Interactive Association Rules Discovery. ICFCA 2006: 177-190
13EEAlain Gély, Lhouari Nourine: About the Family of Closure Systems Preserving Non-unit Implications in the Guigues-Duquenne Base. ICFCA 2006: 191-204
12EEPhilippe Janssen, Lhouari Nourine: Minimum implicational basis for meet-semidistributive lattices. Inf. Process. Lett. 99(5): 199-202 (2006)
11EEAlain Gély, Raoul Medina, Lhouari Nourine, Yoan Renaud: Uncovering and Reducing Hidden Combinatorics in Guigues-Duquenne Bases. ICFCA 2005: 235-248
10EEMichel Habib, Lhouari Nourine: The number of Moore families on n=6. Discrete Mathematics 294(3): 291-296 (2005)
9EEMichel Habib, Lhouari Nourine, Olivier Raynaud, Eric Thierry: Computational aspects of the 2-dimension of partially ordered sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 312(2-3): 401-431 (2004)
8EELhouari Nourine, Olivier Raynaud: A fast incremental algorithm for building lattices. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 14(2-3): 217-227 (2002)
7 Michel Habib, Raoul Medina, Lhouari Nourine, George Steiner: Efficient algorithms on distributive lattices. Discrete Applied Mathematics 110(2-3): 169-187 (2001)
6 Yves Caseau, Michel Habib, Lhouari Nourine, Olivier Raynaud: Encoding of Multiple Inheritance Hierarchies and Partial Orders. Computational Intelligence 15: 50-62 (1999)
5EELhouari Nourine, Olivier Raynaud: A Fast Algorithm for Building Lattices. Inf. Process. Lett. 71(5-6): 199-204 (1999)
4 Michel Habib, Lhouari Nourine, George Steiner: Gray Codes for the Ideals of Interval Orders. J. Algorithms 25(1): 52-66 (1997)
3EEColin de la Higuera, Lhouari Nourine: Drawing and Encoding Two-Dimensional Posets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 175(2): 293-308 (1997)
2EEMichel Habib, Lhouari Nourine: Tree Structure for Distributive Lattices and its Applications. Theor. Comput. Sci. 165(2): 391-405 (1996)
1 Michel Habib, Lhouari Nourine: Bit-Vector Encoding for Partially Ordered Sets. ORDAL 1994: 1-12

Coauthor Index

1Yves Caseau [6]
2Pierre Colomb [18]
3Alain Gély [11] [13]
4Michel Habib [1] [2] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10]
5Ramy Ragab Hassen [15] [16]
6Colin de la Higuera [3]
7Philippe Janssen [12]
8Raoul Medina [7] [11] [14]
9Rokia Missaoui [17]
10Olivier Raynaud [5] [6] [8] [9] [14]
11Yoan Renaud [11] [17]
12George Steiner [4] [7]
13Eric Thierry [9]
14Farouk Toumani [15] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)