
Michael Stein

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8EEMichael Stein, Jürgen Branke, Hartmut Schmeck: Efficient implementation of an active set algorithm for large-scale portfolio selection. Computers & OR 35(12): 3945-3961 (2008)
7EELarry Gottschalk, Jigang Liu, Brahma Dathan, Sue Fitzgerald, Michael Stein: Computer forensics programs in higher education: a preliminary study. SIGCSE 2005: 147-151
6EEJürgen Branke, Michael Stein, Hartmut Schmeck: A Unified Framework for Metaheuristics. GECCO 2003: 1568-1569
5 Joan Slottow, Ali Shahriari, Michael Stein, Xiao Chen, Chris Thomas, Philip B. Ender: Instrumenting and tuning dataView - a networked application for navigating through large scientific datasets. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(2): 165-190 (2002)
4EEMichael Stein, Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, John Riedl: Enhancing Annotation Visibility for Software Inspection. ASE 1999: 243-246
3EEMichael Stein, Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, John Riedl: A General Framework for Interconnecting Annotations of Software Systems. COMPSAC 1998: 421-429
2EEMichael Stein, John Riedl, Sören J. Harner, Vahid Mashayekhi: A Case Study of Distributed, Asynchronous Software Inspection. ICSE 1997: 107-117
1EEThomas Bayer, Ingrid Renz, Michael Stein, Ulrich Kressel: Domain and Language Independent Feature Extraction for Statistical Text Categorization CoRR cmp-lg/9607003: (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Bayer [1]
2Jürgen Branke [6] [8]
3Xiao Chen [5]
4Brahma Dathan [7]
5Philip B. Ender [5]
6Sue Fitzgerald [7]
7Larry Gottschalk [7]
8Sören J. Harner [2]
9Mats Per Erik Heimdahl [3] [4]
10Ulrich Kressel [1]
11Jigang Liu [7]
12Vahid Mashayekhi [2]
13Ingrid Renz [1]
14John Riedl [2] [3] [4]
15Hartmut Schmeck [6] [8]
16Ali Shahriari [5]
17Joan Slottow [5]
18Chris Thomas [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)