
Damien Stehlé

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16EEXavier Pujol, Damien Stehlé: Rigorous and Efficient Short Lattice Vectors Enumeration. ASIACRYPT 2008: 390-405
15EEAli Akhavi, Damien Stehlé: Speeding-Up Lattice Reduction with Random Projections (Extended Abstract). LATIN 2008: 293-305
14EEVincent Lefèvre, Damien Stehlé, Paul Zimmermann: Worst Cases for the Exponential Function in the IEEE 754r decimal64 Format. Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms 2008: 114-126
13EEGuillaume Hanrot, Damien Stehlé: Worst-Case Hermite-Korkine-Zolotarev Reduced Lattice Bases CoRR abs/0801.3331: (2008)
12EEGuillaume Hanrot, Damien Stehlé: Improved Analysis of Kannan's Shortest Lattice Vector Algorithm. CRYPTO 2007: 170-186
11EEGuillaume Hanrot, Vincent Lefèvre, Damien Stehlé, Paul Zimmermann: Worst Cases of a Periodic Function for Large Arguments. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2007: 133-140
10EEGuillaume Hanrot, Damien Stehlé: Improved Analysis of Kannan's Shortest Lattice Vector Algorithm CoRR abs/0705.0965: (2007)
9EEPhong Q. Nguyen, Damien Stehlé: LLL on the Average. ANTS 2006: 238-256
8EEDamien Stehlé: On the Randomness of Bits Generated by Sufficiently Smooth Functions. ANTS 2006: 257-274
7EEVincent Lefèvre, Damien Stehlé, Paul Zimmermann: Worst Cases for the Exponential Function in the IEEE 754r decimal64 Format. Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms 2006
6EEPhong Q. Nguyen, Damien Stehlé: Floating-Point LLL Revisited. EUROCRYPT 2005: 215-233
5EEDamien Stehlé, Paul Zimmermann: Gal's Accurate Tables Method Revisited. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2005: 257-264
4EEDamien Stehlé, Vincent Lefèvre, Paul Zimmermann: Searching Worst Cases of a One-Variable Function Using Lattice Reduction. IEEE Trans. Computers 54(3): 340-346 (2005)
3EEPhong Q. Nguyen, Damien Stehlé: Low-Dimensional Lattice Basis Reduction Revisited. ANTS 2004: 338-357
2EEDamien Stehlé, Paul Zimmermann: A Binary Recursive Gcd Algorithm. ANTS 2004: 411-425
1EEDamien Stehlé, Vincent Lefèvre, Paul Zimmermann: Worst Cases and Lattice Reduction. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2003: 142-147

Coauthor Index

1Ali Akhavi [15]
2Guillaume Hanrot [10] [11] [12] [13]
3Vincent Lefèvre [1] [4] [7] [11] [14]
4Phong Q. Nguyen [3] [6] [9]
5Xavier Pujol [16]
6Paul Zimmermann [1] [2] [4] [5] [7] [11] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)