2008 |
5 | EE | Nikolce Stefanoski,
Jörn Ostermann:
Spatially and temporally scalable compression of animated 3D meshes with MPEG-4 / FAMC.
ICIP 2008: 2696-2699 |
4 | EE | Khaled Mamou,
Titus B. Zaharia,
Françoise J. Prêteux,
Nikolce Stefanoski,
Jörn Ostermann:
Frame-based compression of animated meshes in MPEG-4.
ICME 2008: 1121-1124 |
2007 |
3 | EE | Nikolce Stefanoski,
Patrick Klie,
Xiaoliang Liu,
Jörn Ostermann:
Layered Predictive Coding of Time-Consistent Dynamic 3D Meshes using a Non-Linear Predictor.
ICIP (5) 2007: 109-112 |
2 | EE | Aljoscha Smolic,
Karsten Müller,
Nikolce Stefanoski,
Jörn Ostermann,
A. Gotchev,
G. B. Akar,
George A. Triantafyllidis,
A. Koz:
Coding Algorithms for 3DTV - A Survey.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 17(11): 1606-1621 (2007) |
2006 |
1 | EE | Nikolce Stefanoski,
Jörn Ostermann:
Connectivity-Guided Predictive Compression of Dynamic 3D Meshes.
ICIP 2006: 2973-2976 |