
John Staudhammer

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5EEJohn Staudhammer, Dean Bailey, Steven Dines, Louis J. Doctor, Karl M. Guttag, Jack L. Hancock, Klaus W. Lindenberg, Edmund Y. Sun: Computer graphics technology (panel session). SIGGRAPH 1985: 328
4EEJackie S. Potts, Gerald Moon, Larry Cornish, Richard Schulman, John Staudhammer: Computer graphics: An aid to management in the Federal Government. ACM Annual Conference (2) 1978: 826
3EEJohn Staudhammer, Deborah J. Ogden: Computer graphics for half-tone three-dimensional object images. Computers & Graphics 1(1): 109-114 (1975)
2 John Staudhammer, Jeffrey F. Eastman, James N. England: A Fast Display-Oriented Processor. ISCA 1974: 17-22
1 Jeffrey F. Eastman, John Staudhammer: Computer Display of Colored Three-Dimensional Objects. ISCA 1974: 23-27

Coauthor Index

1Dean Bailey [5]
2Larry Cornish [4]
3Steven Dines [5]
4Louis J. Doctor [5]
5Jeffrey F. Eastman [1] [2]
6James N. England [2]
7Karl M. Guttag [5]
8Jack L. Hancock [5]
9Klaus W. Lindenberg [5]
10Gerald Moon [4]
11Deborah J. Ogden [3]
12Jackie S. Potts [4]
13Richard Schulman [4]
14Edmund Y. Sun [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)