
Jeffrey F. Eastman

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4EEJeffrey F. Eastman, David R. Wooten: A general purpose, expandable processor for real-time computer graphics. Computers & Graphics 1(1): 73-77 (1975)
3EEJeffrey F. Eastman: An efficient scan conversion and hidden surface removal algorithm. Computers & Graphics 1(2-3): 215-220 (1975)
2 John Staudhammer, Jeffrey F. Eastman, James N. England: A Fast Display-Oriented Processor. ISCA 1974: 17-22
1 Jeffrey F. Eastman, John Staudhammer: Computer Display of Colored Three-Dimensional Objects. ISCA 1974: 23-27

Coauthor Index

1James N. England [2]
2John Staudhammer [1] [2]
3David R. Wooten [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)