
S. K. Srivatsa

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7 B. Subhashini, M. P. Chitra, S. K. Srivatsa: Mobility in ATM Networks. ICWN 2008: 667-672
6EEV. Thulasi Bai, S. K. Srivatsa: Design of wearable cardiac telemedicine system. IJEH 3(3): 303-316 (2007)
5EER. Amutha, K. Verraraghavan, S. K. Srivatsa: Recoverability study of SPC product codes under erasure decoding. Inf. Sci. 173(1-3): 169-179 (2005)
4EES. Karthik, V. Jawahar Senthilkumar, B. Chidambararajan, S. K. Srivatsa: Performance of TCP over satellite networks under severe cross-traffic using GA. IJMC 2(4): 382-394 (2004)
3 D. Sridharan, P. Sakthivel, S. K. Srivatsa: An Intelligent Accelerator Mechanism for Cooperation Internet Caching Systems. International Conference on Internet Computing 2002: 417-422
2EES. K. Srivatsa, Ponnekanti Seshaiah: On the Topological Design of a Computer Network. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(4): 567-569 (1995)
1EEJ. Ravi, B. Murugesh, S. K. Srivatsa, P. V. V. S. Sastry, P. N. Raman: Robotic Operating System for material handling robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 4(2): 157-168 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1R. Amutha [5]
2V. Thulasi Bai [6]
3B. Chidambararajan [4]
4M. P. Chitra [7]
5S. Karthik [4]
6B. Murugesh [1]
7P. N. Raman [1]
8J. Ravi [1]
9P. Sakthivel [3]
10P. V. V. S. Sastry [1]
11V. Jawahar Senthilkumar [4]
12Ponnekanti Seshaiah [2]
13D. Sridharan [3]
14B. Subhashini [7]
15K. Verraraghavan [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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