
Lilly Spirkovska

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5EELilly Spirkovska, Suresh K. Lodha: AWE: aviation weather data visualization environment. Computers & Graphics 26(1): 169-191 (2002)
4EEElias Sinderson, Lilly Spirkovska: Undergraduate Software Engineering Education: The Body of Knowledge, Existing Programs and Accreditation. CSEE&T 2001: 221-230
3 Lilly Spirkovska, Max B. Reid: Higher-Order Neural Networks Applied to 2D and 3D Object Recognition. Machine Learning 15(2): 169-199 (1994)
2EELilly Spirkovska: Three-dimensional object recognition using similar triangles and decision trees. Pattern Recognition 26(5): 727-732 (1993)
1EELilly Spirkovska, Max B. Reid: Robust position, scale, and rotation invariant object recognition using higher-order neural networks. Pattern Recognition 25(9): 975-985 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Suresh K. Lodha [5]
2Max B. Reid [1] [3]
3Elias Sinderson [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)