
Madalene Spezialetti

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20EEWanqing Wu, Madalene Spezialetti, Rajiv Gupta: A Protocol for Removing Communication Intrusion in Monitored Distributed Systems. ICDCS 1998: 120-129
19 Darrin Weber, Hassan R. Barada, Madalene Spezialetti: Efficient Distributed Ray Tracing on a Cluster of Workstations. PDPTA 1997: 1525-1535
18 Wanqing Wu, Madalene Spezialetti, Rajiv Gupta: On-Line Avoidance of the Intrusive Affects of Monitoring on Runtime Scheduling Decisions. ICDCS 1996: 216-223
17EEWanqing Wu, Rajiv Gupta, Madalene Spezialetti: Designing a Non-intrusive Monitoring Tool for Developing Complex Distributed Applications. ICECCS 1996: 450-457
16 Rajiv Gupta, Madalene Spezialetti: A Compact Task Graph Representation for Real-Time Scheduling. Real-Time Systems 11(1): 71-102 (1996)
15 Darrin Weber, Madalene Spezialetti, Hassan R. Barada: VidNet: Distributed Processing Environment for Computer Generated Animation. Softw., Pract. Exper. 26(2): 237-250 (1996)
14 Rajiv Gupta, Madalene Spezialetti: Dynamic Techniques for Minimizing the Intrusive Effect of Monitoring Actions. ICDCS 1995: 368-376
13 Madalene Spezialetti, Scott Bernberg: EVEREST: An Event Recognition Testbed. ICDCS 1995: 377-385
12EEMadalene Spezialetti, Rajiv Gupta: Loop Monotonic Statements. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(6): 497-505 (1995)
11 Madalene Spezialetti, Rajiv Gupta: Debugging Distributed Programs through the Detection of Simultaneous Events. ICDCS 1994: 634-641
10 Madalene Spezialetti, Rajiv Gupta: Perturbation Analysis: A Static Analysis Approach for the Non-Intrusive Monitoring of Distributed Programs. ICPP 1994: 81-88
9 Rajiv Gupta, Madalene Spezialetti: Busy-Idle Profiles and Compact Task Graphs: Compile-Time Support for Interleaved and Overlapped Scheduling of Real- Time Tasks. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1994: 86-98
8 Madalene Spezialetti, Rajiv Gupta: Exploiting Program Semantics for Efficient Instrumentation of Distributed Event Recognitions. SRDS 1994: 181-190
7 Rajiv Gupta, Madalene Spezialetti: Towards a Non-Intrusive Approach for Monitoring Distributed Computations through Perturbation Analysis. LCPC 1993: 586-601
6EERajiv Gupta, Madalene Spezialetti: Loop Monotonic Computations: An Approach for the Efficient Run-Time Detection of Races. Symposium on Testing, Analysis, and Verification 1991: 98-111
5 Madalene Spezialetti: An Approach to Reducing Delays in Recognizing Distributed Event Occurrences. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging 1991: 155-166
4 Madalene Spezialetti, John P. Kearns: A General Methodology for the System State Characterization of Event Recognitions. SRDS 1990: 175-184
3 Madalene Spezialetti, John P. Kearns: Simultaneous Regions: A Framework for the Consistent Monitoring of Distributed Systems. ICDCS 1989: 61-69
2 Madalene Spezialetti, John P. Kearns: A General Approach to Recognizing Event Occurences in Distributed Computations. ICDCS 1988: 300-307
1 Madalene Spezialetti, Phil Kearns: Efficient Distributed Snapshots. ICDCS 1986: 382-388

Coauthor Index

1Hassan R. Barada [15] [19]
2Scott Bernberg [13]
3Rajiv Gupta [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [16] [17] [18] [20]
4John P. Kearns [2] [3] [4]
5Phil Kearns [1]
6Darrin Weber [15] [19]
7Wanqing Wu [17] [18] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)