
John P. Kearns

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15 Madalene Spezialetti, John P. Kearns: A General Methodology for the System State Characterization of Event Recognitions. SRDS 1990: 175-184
14 Madalene Spezialetti, John P. Kearns: Simultaneous Regions: A Framework for the Consistent Monitoring of Distributed Systems. ICDCS 1989: 61-69
13 John P. Kearns, Samuel DeFazio: Diversity in Database Reference Behavior. SIGMETRICS 1989: 11-19
12 Gary J. Chastek, John P. Kearns: Efficient Calculation of the Space-Time Performance of the Working Set. Perform. Eval. 10(4): 281-294 (1989)
11 Madalene Spezialetti, John P. Kearns: A General Approach to Recognizing Event Occurences in Distributed Computations. ICDCS 1988: 300-307
10 John P. Kearns, S. K. Park, J. A. Sjogren: Data Editing: Faster Convergence for Synchronous Approximate Agreement. ICDCS 1988: 393-400
9 Albert N. Copper III, John P. Kearns: Real-Time Distributed Control with Asynchronous Message Reception. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1985: 67-75
8 Donna J. Quammen, John P. Kearns, Mary Lou Soffa: Efficient Storage Management for Temporary Values in Concurrent Programming Languages. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(9): 832-840 (1985)
7 Gary J. Chastek, John P. Kearns: Efficient Computation of Optimal Space-Time Performance Curves for Memory Hierarchies. Perform. Eval. 5(4): 215-223 (1985)
6 John P. Kearns, Mary Lou Soffa: The Implementation of Retention in a Coroutine Environment. Acta Inf. 19: 221-233 (1983)
5 Lawrence A. Coon, John P. Kearns, Mary Lou Soffa: The Contraction of Control Implementations. Comput. Lang. 8(1): 15-25 (1983)
4 John P. Kearns, Samuel DeFazio: Locality of Reference in Hierarchical Database Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(2): 128-134 (1983)
3 John P. Kearns, Carol J. Meier, Mary Lou Soffa: The Performance Evaluation of Control Implementations. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 8(2): 89-96 (1982)
2 Alan P. Batson, David W. E. Blatt, John P. Kearns: Structure within Locality Intervals. Performance 1977: 221-232
1 Alan P. Batson, Robert E. Brundage, John P. Kearns: Design Data for Algol-60 Machines. ISCA 1976: 151-154

Coauthor Index

1Alan P. Batson [1] [2]
2David W. E. Blatt [2]
3Robert E. Brundage [1]
4Gary J. Chastek [7] [12]
5Lawrence A. Coon [5]
6Albert N. Copper III [9]
7Samuel DeFazio [4] [13]
8Carol J. Meier [3]
9S. K. Park [10]
10Donna J. Quammen [8]
11J. A. Sjogren [10]
12Mary Lou Soffa [3] [5] [6] [8]
13Madalene Spezialetti [11] [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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