
David Spector

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5EEIl-Han Kim, Siwei Yang, Patricia Le Baccon, Edith Heard, Yi-Chun Chen, David Spector, Constantin Kappel, Roland Eils, Karl Rohr: Non-Rigid Temporal Registration of 2d and 3d Multi-Channel Microscopy Image Sequences of Human Cells. ISBI 2007: 1328-1331
4EEDavid Spector: Efficient full LR(I) parser generation. SIGPLAN Notices 23(12): 143-150 (1988)
3 David Spector: The Simplest Functional Programming Language. SIGPLAN Notices 18(1): 42-46 (1983)
2 David Spector: Minimal overhead garbage collection of complex list structure. SIGPLAN Notices 17(3): 80-82 (1982)
1 David Spector: Ambiguities and Insecurities in Modula-2. SIGPLAN Notices 17(8): 43-51 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Patricia Le Baccon [5]
2Yi-Chun Chen [5]
3Roland Eils [5]
4Edith Heard [5]
5Constantin Kappel [5]
6Il-Han Kim [5]
7Karl Rohr [5]
8Siwei Yang [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)