
Pedro Soria-Rodriguez

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3 R. Ricci, Gérard Chollet, M. V. Crispino, S. Jassim, Jacques C. Koreman, Andrew C. Morris, M. Olivar-Dimas, Sonia Garcia-Salicetti, Pedro Soria-Rodriguez: The "SECUREPHONE" - A Mobile Phone with Biometric Authentication and e-Signature Support for Dealing Secure Transactions on the Fly. SECRYPT 2006: 9-16
2 Christof Paar, Peter Fleischmann, Pedro Soria-Rodriguez: Fast Arithmetic for Public-Key Algorithms in Galois Fields with Composite Exponents. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(10): 1025-1034 (1999)
1EEChristof Paar, Pedro Soria-Rodriguez: Fast Arithmetic Architectures for Public-Key Algorithms over Galois Fields GF((2n)m). EUROCRYPT 1997: 363-378

Coauthor Index

1Gérard Chollet [3]
2M. V. Crispino [3]
3Peter Fleischmann [2]
4Sonia Garcia-Salicetti [3]
5S. Jassim [3]
6Jacques C. Koreman [3]
7Andrew C. Morris [3]
8M. Olivar-Dimas [3]
9Christof Paar [1] [2]
10R. Ricci [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)