
Ha Yoon Song

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12EEInbok Lee, Ha Yoon Song: A Simple and Compact Algorithm for the RMQ and Its Application to the Longest Common Repeat Problem. ICANNGA (1) 2007: 554-561
11EEHa Yoon Song, Hyun-Cheol Hwang: An Integrated Middleware Architecture For Digital Data Broadcasting. AINA (1) 2006: 953-958
10EEHa Yoon Song, Han-gyoo Kim: Cooperative Routers against DoS Attacks. ACISP 2003: 204-213
9EEHa Yoon Song, Han-gyoo Kim, Kee Cheol Lee: Fast Construction, Easy Configuration, and Flexible Management of a Cluster System. Euro-Par 2003: 1224-1228
8EEHan-gyoo Kim, Ha Yoon Song, Jun Park, Kee Cheol Lee: Dynamic Configuration and Management of Clustered System with JMX. ICOIN 2003: 858-867
7EEKihun Chong, Ha Yoon Song, Sam H. Noh: Traffic Characterization of the Web Server Attacks of Worm Viruses. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 703-712
6EEHun Lee, Gun Ho Hong, Ha Yoon Song, Sang-Yong Han: Coding and Presentation of Multimedia for Data Broadcasting with Broadcasting Markup Language. DNIS 2002: 147-160
5EEHa Yoon Song, Junghwan Kim, Kyun Rak Chong: An Analytical Model of Scheduling for Conservative Parallel Simulation. PVM/MPI 2002: 191-198
4EEHa Yoon Song, Sung Hyun Cho, Sang-Yong Han: A Null Message Count of a Conservative Parallel Simulation. VECPAR 2002: 493-508
3EEHa Yoon Song: A probabilistic performance model for conservative simulation protocol. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 2001: 200-207
2EEHa Yoon Song, Richard A. Meyer, Rajive Bagrodia: An empirical study of conservative scheduling. PADS 2000: 165-172
1 Rajive Bagrodia, Richard A. Meyer, Mineo Takai, Yuan Chen, Xiang Zeng, Jay Martin, Ha Yoon Song: Parssec: A Parallel Simulation Environment for Complex Systems. IEEE Computer 31(10): 77-85 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Rajive Bagrodia [1] [2]
2Yuan Chen [1]
3Sung Hyun Cho [4]
4Kihun Chong [7]
5Kyun Rak Chong [5]
6Sang-Yong Han (Sangyong Han) [4] [6]
7Gun Ho Hong [6]
8Hyun-Cheol Hwang [11]
9Han-gyoo Kim [8] [9] [10]
10Junghwan Kim [5]
11Hun Lee [6]
12Inbok Lee [12]
13Kee Cheol Lee [8] [9]
14Jay Martin [1]
15Richard A. Meyer [1] [2]
16Sam H. Noh [7]
17Jun Park [8]
18Mineo Takai [1]
19Xiang Zeng [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)