
Richard A. Meyer

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8EEHa Yoon Song, Richard A. Meyer, Rajive Bagrodia: An empirical study of conservative scheduling. PADS 2000: 165-172
7EERichard A. Meyer, Jay Martin, Rajive Bagrodia: Slow memory: the rising cost of optimism. PADS 2000: 45-52
6EERichard A. Meyer, Rajive Bagrodia: Path Lookahead: A Data Flow view of PDES Models. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1999: 12-19
5EELokesh Bajaj, Rajive Bagrodia, Richard A. Meyer: Case Study: Parallelizing a Sequential Simulation Model. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1999: 29-36
4EERichard A. Meyer, Rajive Bagrodia: Improving Lookahead in Parallel Wireless Network Simulation. MASCOTS 1998: 262-267
3 Rajive Bagrodia, Richard A. Meyer, Mineo Takai, Yuan Chen, Xiang Zeng, Jay Martin, Ha Yoon Song: Parssec: A Parallel Simulation Environment for Complex Systems. IEEE Computer 31(10): 77-85 (1998)
2 Richard A. Meyer, Rajive Bagrodia: MVPE: Visual Design of Parallel Simulation Models. MASCOTS 1996: 227-230
1 Richard A. Meyer, Love H. Seawright: A Virtual Machine Time-Sharing System. IBM Systems Journal 9(3): 199-218 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1Rajive Bagrodia [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2Lokesh Bajaj [5]
3Yuan Chen [3]
4Jay Martin [3] [7]
5Love H. Seawright [1]
6Ha Yoon Song [3] [8]
7Mineo Takai [3]
8Xiang Zeng [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)