
G. Song

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9EEG. Song, Y. Li: Asymptotic Throughput Analysis for Channel-Aware Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(10): 1827-1834 (2006)
8EEG. Song, Y. Li: Asymptotic Throughput Analysis for Channel-Aware Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(8): 1514-1514 (2006)
7 Z. Shi, G. Song: Multi-Frequency Biothogonal Wavelets Generated by a Finite Number of Functions. WAA 2003: 118-125
6 X. Shang, B. Zhang, G. Song: Multiwavelet Thresholding with Context Modeling for Image Denoising. WAA 2003: 239-244
5 J. Wang, X. Shang, G. Song: A New Orthogonal Multiwavelet Network for Function Approximation. WAA 2003: 659-664
4 B. Zhang, J. Wang, G. Song: The Construction of Biothogonal Multi-Scaling Functions Possessing Higher Approximation Order with Fractal Interpolaion Fuctions. WAA 2003: 665-669
3 X. C. Feng, G. Song, Yuan Yan Tang: Multiwavelet-Based Differentiation Matrix with Absorbed Boundary Conditions. WAA 2003: 676-681
2 L. Cai, G. Song: A Smooth Robust Nonlinear Controller for Robot Manipulators with Joint Stick-Slip Friction. ICRA (3) 1993: 449-454
1 G. Song, D. Park, D. Lee, K. H. Park, M. Kim: A Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithm: Distributed Graph Reconstruction Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 30(5): 245-252 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1L. Cai [2]
2X. C. Feng [3]
3M. Kim [1]
4D. Lee [1]
5Y. Li [8] [9]
6D. Park [1]
7K. H. Park [1]
8X. Shang [5] [6]
9Z. Shi [7]
10Yuan Yan Tang [3]
11J. Wang [4] [5]
12B. Zhang [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)